It's that time again

Day 513, 03:34 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

It's the time of arguing who's better

The time of beating down your opponent and Shoving their Face in the Dirt

No not mothers day


from the 16th till the 23rd u have a chance to put yourself up for congress, why do this?

you will get your voice out in the open, you will become part of the TEAM who Runs this country

those of u sitting back just 2 clicking, nows your chance to do something! join the party u think is best suited for you

i will be running for congress, i plan to do as i done last month

Vote on EVERY proposal
Take everyone from Palawan opinions to tell them to the government
HELP OUT EVERYONE WHO ASKS FOR IT, There is already a few who iv spent about 400-600 PhP on them, you know who u are 🙂 (This includes from food to Gifts to just wanting some Information)

See you on the battlefield of voices my friends! 🙂