It's HIGH Time

Day 964, 23:42 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors

Tonight, I was deep in thought as I stood outside smoking a cigarette. Thoughts lead to more thoughts and all of a sudden my mind was in a flurry of activity and excitement. One right after the other... a blinding array of intelligence flowing through my mind like electricity flowing in a power station. Each thought more awesome and epic than th elast. On and on it went until I realized something...

I was too high to remember what I was thinking.

I do remember that eRepublik was tossed about in that pleura of genius, so I decided it was time for me to write an article once again.


The New World is saddened and stunned today as great American and US Congressman Colin Lantrip said goodbye to the new New World. In his paper, the Great Ape Gazette, Congressman Lantrip tell America I Think I'm Done With This.... Mentioning that he spent some time thinking about this decision and citing the he found himself being hateful and dismissive and not enjoying the game and despite a fews days of trying to find one, I can find no reason to continue playing it. Colin then resigned from Congress, USWP leadership and the Congressional Budget Office.

I cannot express how much of a tragedy this is for America. In USWP alone, Colin was responsible for the Political Action Committee and ran Congressional elections for the party and was the Deputy Chief of Staff. He was one of my most dependable and trusted advisors and a great friend. We talked daily and I have bugged the shit out of him with text messages.

Colin is also responsible for opening and operating the USA's first private job hub. Colin spend his days helping teach noobs how to play the game while offering them a chance to get their work skills higher. Later on, Colin joined the USA Welcoming Committee, at the time manned by Ligtreb, Chocolate McSkittles - the Vice President and President of the USA last term - and me. It was at this time, I got to know Colin in the IRC and we began to work together.

Colin Lantrip is an amazing player and an outstanding eAmerican, and I join the USA in their sadness. I wish Colin luck and hope he enjoys the Real Life world. Colin Lantrip - you shall be missed.


Now Colin neither confirms nor denies any particular reason for his sudden departure, but I am sure the ludicrousness of Congress had at least something to do with it. Congressman Necros Xiaoban has done an amazing job reporting on the activity of Congress this term in his paper, NX Productions, but the real fun stuff lies in the halls of Congress. This is my fourth term in Congress - my first after a six-month absence - but I can tell you that Congress is a mess. Apparently so consumed with the fear of being inactive, Congress has debated on the procedural rules of reaching quorum the entire term. We are now more than halfway complete with the term, and even after seven different threads centered around the issue of quorum; the "active" Congress is no closer to passing pointless legislation that will ensure an "active" Congress. It's just too bad that all of these discussions cannot ensure a "responsible" Congress.

The average American cannot see everything that Congress discusses, but most of the work is done in the Public Congressional Proceedings forum, so you can see yourself that rather than confronting important issues, such as how to make the country better equipped to deal with the new economy and war modules (I sure hope the JCS is discussing war strategy), Congress is pointlessly wasting time making decisions that will have absolutely no effect on anything except their own fulfillment and experience in the game. This is sad, and I have thought a few times about pressing that shiny "RESIGN" button myself, but one thing stops me... It's not there.


There are still some bugs from the roll-out of the new New World, but all in all I am really digging V2. I know, everyone is dogging V2, but there is a certain amount of excitement about having to defeat all of the new challenges of th enew New World and re-learn the game as a whole. I am sure the religious zealots ask themselves daily: "What would Dio do?" I personally think that when I am "plugged in" the new New World, the closest thing to a deity would be the Admin, but they are a far cry from perfection. Nevertheless, I am quite happy with the direction of the New World's evolution and look forward to a time when bugs are more of a rarity then the norm.

Once the bugs are worked out, though; V3 will be rolled out. Let's make the best of what we have... there are far-worse browser games out there.


As I said earlier, this term's Congress term is halfway over. That means it is time to consider running as a candidate for the United States Workers Party and those other four parties. If you feel you have what it takes to become an official USWP Congressional Candidate, please fill out this application. Before you waste both your time and mine, please note that being a Congress member takes up a lot of time and requires a lot of activity. If you do not have the time and energy required, don't run for Congress.


In case you missed it, I gave what could be my last Party President's Address to the USWP members on 7/10/2010. I am happy to announce that I am seeking a historic fourth term as the USWP President on the 15th.

Why should I be party president of the United States Workers Party? What have I done to deserve the job?

1. Brought the USWP back from Death.
2. Continued to add to membership, including getting seasoned vets disgusted with the direction of their former parties.
3. Retained members, including many who were unhappy about the coup upon the APF.
4. Lead to the creation of new programs, including the return of the Workers Militia and the USWP Writers Guild.
5. I'm a Boss!

In addition, there are rumors of a possible domestic PTO by some still butt-hurt over last month's PP elections. They want to politically takeover the #1 party in America and tear it down, weakening the country as they do. Make sure you vote for me as Party President to ensure the continued success of the party and the nation in which it serves! Ask any active member of the party and they will tell you that I am the only viable candidate.

And that's it. I've taken up enough of your time already. You should be working or studying instead of reading this paper. GET TO WORK!

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...

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