Day 1,559, 09:31 Published in South Korea South Korea by ManuR

MMM it’s not just an illusion.

This article is special than the others before. I wish to thank trough it to all my friends from eRepublik and to all those who had faith in my newspaper, even if they are not friends of mine.

I found support from a lot of player, even with different political beliefs of alliances.
That’s why I’d like to help, and advertise some newspapers different than mine.
Those who want this kind of help can let a comment with their newspaper (the newspaper must have at least one article). Programs like Sub4Sub are a good idea for MMM but I don’t like seeing a 1000 subscribers newspaper with no article.

First on the list:
1. ReMiiX .
2. Papa XIV
3. Odin Allfather
4. Mister Y
5. I Mes
6. scsaby

The list is opened for all journalists from eRepublik, no matter citizenship from the game or real life.

I remind you of [International project]: eRepublik Journalists .
where you can make your articles more popular and where you can find out more interesting articles and friends.
Good luck to all of you!

Enjoy the life, the game and don’t forget .

ManuR, e-South Korean citizen