It happened a year ago...(co-author Sucko)

Day 948, 06:27 Published in Serbia Hungary by montaigne

Dear readers,

It was exactly one year ago, when Hungary and Serbia took the Croat congress.
At that time all of us were wearing a Smurf avatar. As of today I still wear it.

At that time it was a really annoying experience to be tied to stay in Croatia, without a decent salary, without having chance to fight, and most likely being heavily monitored by the croats in order to be banned at the first mistake.

What have we done?
-We have ruined the Croatian currency, by printing and donating as much money as we could (if I remember well it was 600.000 HRK)
-We have demolished their economy, and
-We unvoted all the MPP-s.

But: still, due to a lack of focus we were unable to beat them on the battlefield.

22 out of 23 of us made it till the end. I just wandered, where are those old mates, are they still alive? Most of them yes, they are, but I do not know too much about them. If you read my article please send me a message!

AzAlkimista, Participated on the Czech ATO, alive and active. XP = 4909, Hungarian citizen

Bokee88. Ex MoD of Serbia, alive and active. XP = 6172, Serbian citizen

delibab, Ex MoD of Hungary, alive and active. XP = 6102, Hungarian Citizen

Disident, Dead citizen.

Dzudzabajc, Dead citizen

Ekszer multiple congressman, alive and active. XP= 4972. Former Hungarian, currently Serbian citizen, living in Pakistan. Allegedly went through a change of personality.

Fica_94, dead citizen. XP = 3420

Filafilosofija:, Alive and active, XP = 5004, Serbian Citizen

Geopaja alive and active. XP= 5746, Bosnian citizen. Worked 480 days without interruption. Respect.

Lantos Alive and probably active. XP = 2624. Canadian Citizen. Quite enigmatic guy, he used to have a huge network of enteprises, I bet he still has it. Last seen in Rhone Alps, working in a wood company

Ljudislav Dead citizen, banned for insults. Allegedly reborn as Ljudislav II.

montaigne. Alive and active. XP = 6287. Serbian citizen. Owner of some newspaper, couple of times member of the Serbian Congress, and ex Mofa of Hungary.

Number 11 Dead citizen of Malaysia. Rest in Peace, Broj 11.
He is living in a new body, named SeeSay (thank U Shumor)

Pegica, Alive, but seemingly inactive. XP=5660. Serbian citizen, resident of Varna, Bulgaria.

Shumor, Alive and active. XP = 5953, citezen of Bosnia.

Alive and active. XP = 7220. Hungarian citizen.

Varga Balazs:, Alive and active. XP = 6206. Citizen of Hungary.

Vargat Alive and active. XP = 7132. Citizen of Belgium.

von Kurz. Alive and active. XP= 5639, Citizen of Czech Republic.

Ysuol, Alive and Active, XP = 5187, Citizen of Hungary

Zaratusta, Alive and active, XP= 5283, Citizen of Serbia.

Zeroni, Alive and active. XP = 4585, Citizen of Serbia, currently living in North Corea.

And now it comes the story of our counterparts with the help of Sucko.
Yes, history has 2 readings. I remember my feelings when I was looking to them. I had maybe 4-500 XP, while the Croatian congress members had 3-4000 or even more. Some of them had more congress medals than all of us together. They were really expereinced and played very clever and organised against us.

Below I will edit Sucko's text without changing anything in it.

balkanac, alive and active, XP=5884 Currently living in California with Croatian citizenship, 2clicker as he mostly used to be.

Katzenjammer, alive and active, XP=5764, active member of Croatian community, living in Croatia with Croatian citizenship as one of the strongerst tanks in Croatia.

mrgood, alive and active, XP=5387 still important member of Croatian community,ex MoD, MM, 5 times in congress currently lives in India with Croatian cs.

00385, banned for creating multies, ex=4931

BorKan, alive and active, XP=7718 one of the most known Croatian citizens, strong tank, 2 times president of Croatia and first president of Serbia, ex MoD, lives in Croatia with Slovenian cs, isn't so active as he used to be.

Prle, alive and active, XP=4843, but 2clicker, he isn't a member of Croatian community, currently he lives in Japan as good tank.

Roby Petric, alive but not active, XP=2597 ex president of USA and first president of Croatia, he used to be one of the most known citizens in eRepublik, older citizens still remember him, stopped playing after Croatia was TOed.

mogwaiii, dead citizen, XP=5494, ex Cro MoD and eden hq

AntimonCro, alive and active, XP=7687, one of the strongest Croatian tanks and the oldest citizens, currently lives in Russia with Croatian citizenship

Damjan Grozni, alive and active, XP=5994, still very active, currently lives in Croatia with Cro cs.

malosanmaka, alive and active, XP=6537, ex Cro MoD, 2clicker atm, used to be more active before, lives in Croatia.

BlackCarMafia, alive and active, XP=9280, second by XP in Croatia, one the oldest Croatian players and most important tanks, he's still very active member of Croatian community, currently lives in Croatia as EMC soldier.

rocker-ma, banned for creating multies, XP=5659, ex Croatian president

Nobus, alive and active, XP=5736, doesn't seem so active

Antun, almost dead, XP=4543

leshinari, alive and active, XP=5946, one of the oldest Croatian players, currently lives in BiH with Bosnian citizenship, not active as he used to be

Sucko, Alive and active. XP= 9183. One time President of South Africa, and dreadful tank. Although 2 times Media Mogul, recently he is inactive in publishing. But he is well-know not for his articles, but his comments. He is the father of all the Croatian trolls, allegedly the one, who took the art of trolling to a new level.

Few words about our bosses (Serbian - Hungarian side):
Rlazol and Falban were the Hungarian bosses. Rlazol was the organiser of the TO, while Falban was MoFA at that time.
Rlazol is semi-active, but he says, that he does more, than we think.
Falban later got elected as Hungarian president (he wasn't a glorious one). He emigrated to Malaysia and allegedly someone else is playing now with his account.
Sakal_ks was the leader of the party (Srbska Demokratska Stranka). Still active and devoted to the game.
vonMartin was the organiser of the TO on the Serbian side, together with OddyZR.
Lantos was the Hungarian leader of the congress team, but I cannot recall, who was his Serbian counterpart.