Day 1,580, 12:47 Published in Turkey Turkey by MansurSultan

A Turkish proverb says: “Türk'ün Türk'ten başka dostu yoktur” – “Turks don’t have any friends other than other Turks”. I love Turkish proverbs just because they are most of the time are right. What is a proverb? Proverb is a saying which gives to people a piece of advice. What is a Turkish proverb? Turkish proverb is a saying of Turks which was passed generation to generation. It is stating truth more than a piece of advice. This is what makes Turkish proverb so unique and so powerful.

Today, in two Turkish territories revolts have been started. Most of the supporters/starters are Slavic people. Big percentage of that belongs to Bulgarians, Serbians, and let’s not to forget our so called “allies” Greeks. Right now, Bulgarians and Greeks are trying to attempt another revolt in Eastern province of eTurkiye. I am asking every Turk who is a real patriot of this country to start/support revolts in enemy lands too. As we know, Bulgaria has territories which belong to Russia. We must start and support revolts in these lands. We must support Italy and Albania to pay back to Serbia. We must not renew our alliance with Greece, and after our alliance will be expired, we must attack them. ETurkiye is very powerful country, and we must show the World the Turkish Power. I would love to finish this article with words of the greatest generals in the World, Napoleon Bonaparte: “Turks can be killed but can’t be defeated”.

Always yours,
