Issue 76: Malta_1990 for North East Congressman

Day 455, 11:30 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990

Well, as you may all well know, Congress elections are soon upon us and the eUK population is once again called upon to vote for their representatives in Congress. As with every Congressional election, I sincerely hope that the people who do vote make an informed decision based on manifestos and past merits to vote in an active congress.

I am malta_1990, and as a current Congressman, I feel that I am qualified for a congressional seat with the help of your votes for several reasons. One thing I pride myself in is that I am highly active in the eUK Forums and the House of Commons and am thus well aware of the current debates in the eUK. As a Congressman, I feel that this is essential, as it is important that updated information is the best tool by which to help this country grow and maintain its position as one of the most organised, if not the most organised e-countries. In my political roles, I have always persevered for the eUK to ensure that our citizens are well equipped with all the knowledge they require to live their e-life as well as possible.

Now, onto my congressional experience. As you may well know, I have already been a successful and active congressman for five terms now, and with your help, I hope to make it a sixth. One term was in beta, and the other overlapping between beta and V1, and my most recent terms have been fully in V1. I take my Congressional role seriously, and this is clearly evident by the fact that I was part of the discussions and voting of every single proposal. Whenever a new proposal comes up I make sure that I understand every issue and that the citizens' rights are held sacrosanct. Now someone might say, "Oh, that's what congressmen should do". Now, while this is a valid argument, it is not done by all congressmen, and I pride myself in being part of the more active group.

Besides my Congressional roles, in the past I was an apprentice to the Minister of Information for one term, and I was nominated as the current Minister of Information & Education by our latest two CP's; Deathtoll32 and Final Destiny. This is a very important role as it serves as a communication between the government and the citizens and helps educate. I have also run for mayoral and party elections several times, and I am also experienced on the economic and military sides of Erepublik where I own a company and was a Royal Guards Sergeant up until my resignation to focus on my Ministerial role.

In our region, I was your NHS Director for the North East Clinic which is run by the Ministry of Health. In the past months, I have made a team for our region to compete in the Pub Quiz Tournament against West Midlands and in the IRC Pub Quiz Cup together with other regions. This is held on the eUK IRC. In the past month, I have also run a Resettlement Allowances scheme which successfully moved 7 new citizens from London to our region, and our forums.

If you want an active Congressman for the North East, vote for me and you will not be disappointed. I may not be well know, but I will be a great congressman like I have always been with your help. Remember, be bold, VOTE MALTA_1990 on the 25th Februaryy.