Issue 74: Malta_1990 for TUP PP

Day 448, 11:55 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990
Its that time of the month again. PP elections are upon us once again and I shall be running once again. I will not go on a rant about all the work I have done in the past, both for TUP and for our e-country, and I'll let the work speak for itself, as my actions will speak louder than my written words. As the PP elections have come around, I see it only just that I publish an article regarding my campaign.

Why am I running?
I have always been loyal to TUP and have always been active within the party, both in helping out new citizens and in shaping up our party policies. I also feel that our party deserves the continuation of the strong and active leadership we have had over the past few months by Squiddy and previous PP, Hassan Pesaran. Therefore, I have decided to run once again for Party President and add my own experience to the leadership of the party.

What will voting for me mean?
I have been a TUP congressman for 5 terms and have always been active in congressional debates and votes, both of a public and sensitive nature, so my activity on the party forums is guaranteed. I also aim to keep the current party structure and build upon it.

Despite not being elected as PP in the past months, I have not lain idle, but have still given my input to shape the party, its policies and its structure.

Once elected, I will enter into discussions with all the party members to draw up a Code of Conduct for the TUP leadership. Each TUP member of any Party Committee, Congress, Lords or TUP Council will be required to sign this Code of Conduct, to ensure we stick to our principles and put our country's citizens first, as we have always done.

Should I get elected, I will also introduce the role of Whip for TUP in the HoC, but rather than dictating how Congressmen should vote (as they are all free individuals), he/she would ensure that we have all (or most of us) been part of the discussions as we are the ones who the voting public have entrusted with a majority in our legislative body. This role, coupled with the party's policy to publically condemn candidates who are not forum active will make sure that all TUP members who are elected to congress are actively involved in debates and votes, for the best of our country.

I Thank You all for reading this and I hope that if you agree with my plans, you will vote for me on the 15th February. I also ask that you judge each candidate based on their plans, their experience and what they have done for the party.