Issue 67: Congressional Report 23/01/2009 - 29/01/2009

Day 439, 11:53 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990
The weekly Congressional Report returns. Remember that a new congress was voted in on the 25th. Remember that these congressmen vote on issues that will directly affect you, the citizen, whether these are taxes, government schemes or peace treaties.

Foreign Exchange Programs
Proposed by Dishmcds (Public Discussion)

This bill was proposed to allow a maximum of 15 ordinary citizens to apply for a Foreign Exchange Program run through the MoFA. Citizens who join the FEP shall spend approximately 2 weeks abroad in each country they're assigned to, in an effort to learn about their culture and promote the environment of trust, cooperation, and good relations which we intend to represent in the eUK.


The HoC Discussion involve😛 malta_1990, HazzN, roadrunnerspeed, CV James, Palodigon, intrepid132, Patrick Reckitt, Dean Stargazer, IndieKid, Bob Boblo, and Rayf Drayson.

The HoL Discussion involve😛
widdows9000, Stan Wephen, Rayf Drayson, and Dishmcds.

Voting (HoC) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 11 - malta_1990, HazzN, intrepid132, Bob Boblo, jerryGFL, Rayf Drayson, Palodigon, Patrick Reckitt, CV James, roadrunnerspeed, and certacito.
No: 0
Abstain: 0

Voting (HoL) - VOTE PASSES
Yes: 6 - widdows, funky44, Dishmcds, Rayf Drayson, Pagan, Stan Wephen, and Ip Lockard.
No: 0
Abstain: 0

Passed Law: