Issue 134: Top 40 Most Influential eUKers - those who didn't make it

Day 605, 10:45 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by malta_1990

As many eUKers are well aware, some three days ago, I launched the survey called "Top 40 Most Influential eUKers". After 45 surveys being taken by the awesome eUK public, new and old, rich and poor, across many parties, the results are in. 63 people in total were nominated, and as a little taster, this article will list the people who didn't make the Top 40 list, with the actual comments respondents submitted added in for some fun. You will be shocked to see some big names who did not make the list.

63. Rayf Drayson

62. SparkieGeek

61. Lloydy
"Not influential on a nationwide basis but influential just because he is about the only person i've ever had a serious not spammed discussion with on irc."

60. Jan Baykara
"By being helpful and an all round good egg."

59. IndieKid

58. Nelsaidi
"He may not get involved much in poltics, but he is an excellent admin who is always fair and is very generous with the time he has given to run the euk. I admire him for his ability to treat everyone equally."

57. Tommy Tommasino
"Now I know this may be a controversial choice based on some of his past exploits I feel Tommy was very influential in the eUK he has provoked many great debates and for myself has shown me things to do and a few things not to do in politics. But he always stuck with what he thought and though I did not agree with him on quite a few things I found this admirable."

56. Draaglom
"Not many people would have heard of him, but he's always been behind-the-scenes with the PCP, silently oiling the wheels of the political machine. He's always made wise judgements, knows pretty much all there is to eRep, and is invaluable as a friend."

55. Azra'eil

54. Connor Mawn
"He taught me a few things about the world."

53. Scipio The Great

52. Wyli

51. Lando Khan
"First military sergeant so helpful just in some basic questions and experience and lulz in forums/irc."

50. Meghan
"Meghan influenced me to be somewhat more loose, and have more fun, that it IS only a game...although I somewhat disagree with her methods, she certainly made it more fun in the UK."

49. Goku Jones
"An early influence on me. Knows how to make controversy in the right. Is right more than wrong."

48. Archerstorm
"Archerstorm is my right hand man. Any decisions I make are usually after prolonged deliberation, much of which is usually constructive and hilarious. He will one day be a great Cabinet Minister, and who knows, perhaps Prime Minister."

47. Craig Rossiter
"He and I have worked together alot among the UKRP, and his support and example have helped me achieve many of my goals."

46. Michael Collins

45. JerryGFL
"Jerry was president during most of my residence in the UK, so how could he not have influenced me. Jerry struck me as a very calm, balanced individual, and helped me overcome my dislike of the Reform Party, stemming from the fact that most center-right parties in the U.S. are rather obnoxious."

44. Relic
"Relic has got to be quite possibly my favourite eCitizen. He's been my second-hand man during my time as PCP PP, and quite invaluable. He's given me advice, speadheaded my reforms, given me support and advice when needed. Quite frankly, without Relic, I would have gone under as an eCitizen long ago."

43. Colt Silver
"Good friends and generally a good friend for a chat or advice, both ways."

42. Srachit
"Showed me how to wiki!"

"His fight for India getting its regions back has influenced greatly in Erepublik and shows that anything is possible."

41. R.R. Napier
"A good captain aboard the Royal Navy's HMS Cardiff, taught me the art of battle."

That's it. Those are the one who didn't make the list. Remember to vote up this article and subscribe to see the results of the top 40, which will be published tomorrow.