Israel betrayed to Turkey, Indonesia grasping at straws.

Day 727, 14:24 Published in USA Australia by Aeros

In a bold deception, the “hacking” of the Israeli presidency a few days ago that triggered Turkey’s MPP’s is turning out to be no such thing, with the Israeli President retreating the Haifa District before advancing PEACE forces. In East Asia, Indonesia continues to get thrashed by Malaysia’s massive MPP list, while Poland keeps Hungary pinned down in Central Europe.


Several days ago, the President of Israel was allegedly “hacked” into making an attack which activated the MPP’s of neighboring Turkey. While an initial motion to impeach was made, it was voted down under the assumption that the issue was in hand again (though the Admin’s did not close the war). As it turns out, the Israeli President is still under the puppet control of Turkey, and by extension PEACE GC. The previous failed Impeachment effort also makes it impossible to make another proposal for several more day’s. And now, Turkey has rolled in with several other PEACE member states (such as Russia and Hungary) and has overrun the Haifa district following the Israeli Presidents retreat order. Further claims in the Israeli government claim the puppet President has made off with the national treasury, as if selling out the country to PEACE occupation was not enough insult already. As things stand, the Israeli situation is very grim. They possess MPP’s only with the US and Croatia presently and are under attack by most of PEACE GC’s major powers. The fact that the advance can be accelerated by a puppet President will further reduce the chances of Israel’s survival.


Indonesia continues to show its growing internal weakness through the continued thrashing it is receiving in Malaysia. These pointless fights have done little to further the countries ambitions. Even worse, the actions are in fact so out of line with the rest of PEACE GC, one wonders if Indonesia was not “told” to resign from the Alliance rather then leave it willingly. The sad fact is the fighting in Malaysia caused severe damage to relations amongst several members of PEACE GC and even moved France towards the breaking point. That in mind, it is much easier for Indonesia to take a vacation from the Alliance rather then remain and add a poor reflection on the other member states. Now PEACE can say Indonesia is acting without their approval and its not really their fault or problem. This is a major fall from grace for Indonesia, considering this country was once the leading superpower. A common joke about PEACE GC has been to refer to it as the “Hundonesian Empire” because really all PEACE has been for the longest time was Indonesia, Hungary and the rest of the Alliance who relied on them. Indonesia’s decline however has seen it fall behind Hungary massively, and even Serbia and Russia now seem to hold more pull in PEACE then the Indonesians do. You will note that not much protest was made over Hungary’s Slovakian adventure. No PEACE state can afford to come out against Hungary because that means they lose that protection. With Indonesia, its becoming increasingly clear that the other PEACE member nations no longer view the nation as a viable long term investment in their national security. The Malaysian war simply reaffirms this assessment.

For Malaysia’s part, they now have something every commander in the Allied camp has wanted since Beta; a Huge MPP list against Indonesia. And this list puts everything else out there to shame. Without even trying, 3 million points of damage get thrown on the wall. Even with Indonesia’s own MPP’s, Malaysia is honestly in a position to invade Indonesia successfully. Which seems to be what Indonesia wants to happen. Seeing the American experience, they are hoping a rallying cry to save the country from the “Evil Malaysians” will trigger a baby boom and help increase activity. Unfortunately, they are over-estimating Malaysia’s resolve. This is after all, a country that has taken “neutrality” to the point of religion. The Sol charter is rife with clauses that basically make it impotent as an Offensive force. In fact, it mandates “All Members shall refrain in their regional relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of Sol.” Basically, member states are prohibited offensive action under Sol’s banner (if you choose to read it that way). I think it would be safe to say Malaysia will not rise to bait and attack Indonesia. Those 3 million point walls are very comfortable, why upset the apple cart.


Fighting continues to rage in Central Europe between Poland and Hungary over Slovakia. Even so, Poland was able to force a victory earlier in Central Slovakia and is now in the process of resistance warring the region back to Slovakian control. For Hungary, the Slovakian adventure proved to be far more complicated then planned, with the Allies being able to move many more troops then anticipated. Of major consequence was the Hungarian defeat in Graubunden, which removed any further threats to Switzerland by Hungary, permitting that country to move to join EDEN. For Hungary, this was a disaster, because following its occupation at the height of the North American Conflict, Switzerland had been under Theocratic rule and a US Ally. Hungary made the moves to restore Switzerland post-Theocrats in a manner more advantageous to PEACE. Instead, the country moved inexorably towards EDEN, though Hungary was confident they could deal with it when they had more time. Unfortunately, the Allies chose not to give them that time, stripping the last Hungarian enclave in Switzerland away at the height of the Slovakian battle.


Most of the PEACE GC actions over the past few weeks seem to be deliberately provocative and designed for maximum outrage. It can only be concluded that PEACE is attempting to goad EDEN and the USA into an offensive against them. The reasons for this are various, but mainly center on the coming changes in the Alliance system, and the fact that the biggest trends in growth in the New World are occurring inside the Allied nations, not inside PEACE. Triggering an all out battle now would be more advantageous for PEACE, as Hungary is still able to make up for the massive population deficits in most other PEACE nations through the shear force of its over powered two-clickers. For the Allies, it might not necessarily be a bad thing to rise to the challenge, as things have gotten a bit boring around here lately, and the Turkish invasion of Israel provides yet another excuse for Greece to invade. Time will tell how things go from here, but for now it seems PEACE is going to try and keep poking the Allies with a stick until they get a reaction.