Is it for good or what?

Day 1,089, 14:08 Published in Romania Romania by Bogdan_L

Yesterday we had a lot of drain damages coming out like real battles:

Northern Great Plain was won by Romania 8-6

Northern Hungary was won by Romania 8-2

Southern Great Plain was won by Croatia 8-6

Southern Transdanubia was won by Croatia 8-2

Especially SGP was won after a great fight (8-6) with all the hungarian hospitals, even with the romanian attack on SGP in the queue(have to take back the money).

What's now?

Croatia has attacked Western Transdanubia (2-0), Central Transdanubia and Central Hungary. Romania is just having a surprise a little bit later.

Is it Hungary on collapse? Time will say 🙂

But before that,

Congrats to all fighting in these battles!