Is India really Neutral ?

Day 1,295, 17:00 Published in India India by Shakti Rocks

Alright, this will be a quick one. I am repeatedly hearing this thing from various articles about India maintaining a Neutral Stance. People are emphasizing Neutral just like people emphasize Absolute in Vodka.

So, what exactly is Neutral. A stance of neutrality means we don't give a $hit about what is happening in World War V. But are we really doing it ?

We are fighting for Bulgaria and having MPPs with EDEN Nations. Half the population is out of the country helping EDEN allies. IAF and AHF are asking players to Move to warring countries to participate in the battle. From which angle is this neutral ...

Also, their are a couple of Issues which I would like to mention -

First, take a look in India. Maharashtra is under Chinese control for over a decade. They are not getting anything out of that occupation since it is not connected to their Capital, so basically its useless for them. So, why are we not talking with China and negotiate a RW to return Maharastra back to India. Obviously a newcomer will always like to start his life in a state where he lives in RL. Now, suppose a newbie joins the game and wants to join in Maharastra, but then he receives the Notification, "This territory is occupied by China and the govt. is kinda busy helping EDEN so go f**k yourself or join another region." Now, he sure ain't gonna like that.

Second, it would like to mention the disgusting monetary market of India. Ya, it sucks just like the global market but when it comes to India, its sucks even harder. I know not much can be done about it but still as compared to the global level and the current job market of India, the rate should be around 500 INR for 1G.

Finally, I had some thoughts regarding the training war with Indonesia. I completely support this step since It will bring more excitement in the game and also my favorite natural enemy bonuses. There are a couple of people saying that EDEN won't like that step. Who gives a f**k. Its just a training war, not a region swap or region rental. Besides, ain't we Neutral now. And if things do go bad, such as Indonesia starts a real war against India, wouldn't that be so f**kin awesome. Imagine getting your a$$ whooped. Imagine getting wiped out and giving your last bit effort to push the battle bar over 51%.

Hoping to get some responses to all these points. Until then, This is Bull$#IT.

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