IronToader For Ontario Congress

Day 1,187, 13:21 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

In the past 2 months MOO’s Party President, Addy Lawrence has showed us Value Added Tax (VAT) is better than Income taxes in many ways. For one it is better for the citizen’s income. Another reason is that VAT is better for TCO. Many party’s want to raise the income taxes to 20%. You already know what that will do to TCO. TCO’s slave pits run a 3.80 CAD/day income.

If elected in Ontario I will fight in favour of VAT and not Income Taxes. VAT has increased the amount of CAD going into the country accounts. VAT is also helping CAF’s SPP companies. It is not affecting the income but is putting prices in the market higher.

Here’s one of Addy’s charts

Last Updated February 18th

I am all for a Natural Enemy for training wars. The way I see it is it helps both the CAF and TCO. When our citizens train they will have 10% bonus increase in their training. This will help us when a serious war starts. Maybe a surprise war may happen in the future. eCanada deserves a strong army and private militias.

For more information on a Natural Enemy Click Here

Director of Toad University
Deputy Minister of Education