IronToader For Country President (Manifesto)

Day 1,224, 08:30 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

If elected CP, I will try my best to make this term fun and exciting. Our past few presidents have been boring but we are still in recovery mode from the Wes theft. To top it off bonds money has been stolen by Matthew Gallaugher. Those CP’s had no choice but to cut programs so they could pay back the bonds. In my term I will try and make the most exciting it can be without a war.

Due to the recent thefts most of you already know and understand things need to be cut. If I could increase Military Funding I would but the recent thefts have dug a very deep hole for our country. I was hoping that we would be able to start a war. But of course with the recent thefts we can’t afford it.

In my term, absolutely no money will be in the hands of our ministers and me. This is to prevent theft. When funding our armies the money will go through the treasury. This means there will be a 24 hour vote going through Congress. Safety means everything when electing me as CP.

I’d like to know where you want the Supreme Court to go. Should it die or should we reform it. Something needs to be done to the Supreme Court. It either goes or gets a major reform. It’s the countries choice. When elected a vote will be held on the eCanadian forums.

Personally I believe it’s best to only be in 1 alliance. TERRA (formerly known as PANAM) is mostly run in the Americas. EDEN is basically a Europe alliance. I’d like to drop EDEN peacefully. Just leave them without any conflict. If they threaten conflict we will stay in the alliance for the time being.

As I have mentioned many times throughout my manifesto is that we need to cut to recover. The high VAT taxes were meant to help pay back the bonds and recover from the Wes Lewis theft. I will try and keep the VAT taxes high to recover from the most recent theft. I’d like to also see high Import Taxes to protect the eCanadian market from extremely low priced foreign products. I support Canadian companies, so should you!

TCO Lieutenant – Crimson Canucks
Active Member of Society
Canadian Citizen