Irish Union Party Update

Day 910, 10:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by Irish Union Party

An article from the Irish Union Party?!

That’s crazy!...Until now.

This is the start of a WEEKLY (if not more frequent) IUP media presence in our beloved eIreland.
Look out for the articles by subscribing to the newspaper and voting them up, Up, UP!

First Things First

I know that I was running uncontested and therefore won by default, but the numerous kind messages I received upon my win and my announced candidacy have me really thankful for being in a party with such wonderful people.

So I would like to thank the IUP for having me and welcoming me so nicely as the Party President. I hope we can work together to get this party back into shape!

What Have I Been Doing?

Don’t worry, IUP! I haven’t forgotten you! Sure, you all may have thought that I was busy with the amazingly awesome MoC Carnival (sorry for the shameless plug), but I was also busy reworking some things with the forums and the members of our great party.

The Forums

As we all know, and as some of the members have verbally articulated, the IUP Forums are…well….less than adequate and very unacceptable.

I first toyed with the option of revamping the old IUP Forum, but decided that it would just be more depressing because of all the VERY DATED posts serving as the newest ones. Some of those subjects haven’t been commented on since early March! We need to change that, myself included.

I’ve decided that we should start anew. I’ve put together a NEW FORUM for the Irish Union Party.

This is the official link: Please bookmark it or save it in some way so you can easily refer to the comments, questions, and suggestions of your fellow IUP members.
Yes, it looks pretty much the same, but it’s going to be a fresh start on the party’s new concerns and a nice way for all of us to keep up with who’s active and who needs to wake up a little bit ♥

The Members

Aside from the new IUP Forum, I’ve also been working on a system in which to keep track of members. I’ve created a spreadsheet with the names and statuses of current IUP members so that I can (1) more easily PM you all and (2) see who is dead or alive.

Unfortunately, we’re going to have to see membership fall a little before we can get it back up. There are SEVERAL dying citizens that have been inactive for a while, which I can’t really coax back into the party (you know…since they’re in an eComa and all…).

Nevertheless, the new system will also allow me to see who has commented on the forums, published an article, or done something great recently so they can be acknowledged.
It will also be easier for me to track our new members and see that they are enjoying themselves and contributing as well ♥

We’re in this together, so I’m going to need some help from you all to make this party great once again:

What Should You Do For Next Week?

Before the next update from the IUP hits the media this time next week, I would encourage you all to have:

1) Replied to my PM

You don’t have to say anything exceptionally profound or anything. I just want a heads up that you’re alive and doing well and that you’re still interested in the party. I would also love any feedback you may have about my performance as Party President thus far. Every bit helps!

2) Friended the Org

Yes, I know. It sounds kind of unnecessary, but when new citizens are shopping around for a party, they oftentimes look on the Party’s Org page (not the official eRepublik one) and sift through the Org’s friends to find some people to talk to about the party.

The more lovely IUP members who are friends of the Irish Union Party Org, the more we look like a family and attract new citizens and members. So please friend the Party so everyone can more easily look at the array of beautiful faces the IUP houses ♥

3) Subscribed to the Newspaper

If for some reason you have not already, please subscribe to the IUP newspaper. Just click the “Subscribe” button up at the top! It’s another easy thing to do in order to stay involved and active in the party.

4) Joined the New Forum

It’s very simple and takes about 70 seconds ♥
Upload your little avatar too so everyone will recognize you and start posting.

5) Thought About the Platform

The number one priority for the next couple of weeks is to develop a strict, straight-forward party platform that will define the IUP.
There is a category on the forums labeled “Platform” which I have designated to discuss any and all options for how we should present it and what it should contain.

I have also supplied a nice post from the old forums from one of my good eFriends, Sweet Drinker, when the platform was briefly discussed a few months back.

All I ask is that you start to think about the platform and what you think we may need to include considering current eEvents or even V2. If you’re feeling extra motivated, everyone would love to see your posts with suggestions and comments as well ♥

What Am I Doing For Next Week?

I know the new forums and the members spreadsheet may not seem like much, but we’re getting there in baby steps. And doing something is better than nothing at all.

So…for next week…I hope to have:

1) PMed everyone just touching base with the new forums, this article, and where we’re going

Keep a look out for just a touch base PM reminding you about this article, the new forums, and that you’re in the IUP 😉
Just a friendly hello from your Party President.

2) Come Up With an IUP Exclusive Contest/Activity

Hopefully contests, prizes, and meeting new people will be enough to get more people involved and excited about the party again. If you have any ideas or suggestions, I would love to hear them!
The Disco bashes mentioned in my manifesto seemed rather popular 😉

3) Created Some eRepublik Party Ads

You may have seen that some of the other parties are running ads as part of a marketing campaign in hopes of gaining new members. This week I hope to start a preliminary ad campaign, marketing the IUP in a general sense.

After we get our platform together, I hope to work together with you all to establish and launch a specific ad campaign that will not only appeal to non-members, but show off our new sense of definition and unity.

And again, if you have any funny, interesting, or otherwise great ideas for ads, please let me know!

4) Get Feedback For Some Concerns

I have already received a few suggestions and concerns about the party and its new future, and I wish to gauge the opinions of all of the party members in some way or form regarding these ideas. Please keep a look out for a PM or a Forum thread/post prompting for your opinion on a few issues that have already come up during my short term.

If you have any concerns or suggestions for changes or modifications in the party, please let me know.

5) PM New Citizens Like I’m Crazy

Hopefully I still have some Princess charm that makes new citizens feel at home in eIreland! I intend to PM some of eIreland’s newest citizens in hopes of instilling a positive opinion of the Irish Union Party that will hopefully be a deciding factor in their choosing of parties when the time comes.

I may refer some new citizens to some other members of the party for some more friends and nice IUP contacts. Keep a look out for those too!

Thanks again, IUP! I hope I won’t let you down!

Talk To You All Soon,
Irish Princess ♥
Irish Union Party President