Day 480, 12:59 Published in USA Israel by Sadeh Badeh

Last time i've tried to talk about the evilness of the world, it was when peopled robbed eIsrael's treasury when we had 150 FEE.

Now it is different.

Dear citizens!!!
I am afraid to announce you, that IRAN AND PART OF TURKEY, just CANT LIVE IN DEMOCRATIC WORLD.
It is WAY HARDER for them then living in dictatorship.

So, eIsrael got her freedom(her 😃), and it seems like our dear Iran, and Turkey, dont like that.
What they are doing? sending troops to eIsrael in order to try and takeover us!
I've beein told that 30 people well get into each of the 4 parties we have(they already started) and try to take over our dear country.

Did we gain our physical freedom in order to let them take over the country?
Are we making ANYONE problem by living peacfully in our little region?
Our regions with med grain are that important?

Please dont let the dictatorship to win this world!!!


I know that countries now busy as hell, but please try to come tomorrow, who ever that can do that, and vote for our people,
Dont let BattalGazi and dictators like him win in this world, show them that evilness and corruptness wont win us, that the freedom seekers, and ATLANTIS are indestructible!!

There are few ways to show good qualitis,not just in the battelfield, but in unity and politics as well.

Iran, Turkey, when (i hope) this article well get to the international news, you will understand one thing, you have lost, once more time!

To PEACE countries,look at this 2 members (one ex-member u can say) and tell me that you belive that PEACE is about taking away the freedom of the innocents!
There is no PEACE at all in taking away the free voice of the people in this world !!

I hope to see justice, and i guess only tomorrow i will know if justice exists in this world.

At "Israeli Workers Party"- Vote SadehBadeh.
At "The Likud Party"- Vote CyberStormAlpha, or Hufflepuff.
At "Zionist Front"- Vote, hmmmm vote,eh? i dont know who both of them -.- vote Atikot!
At "Israeli Defense Federation"-Vote Code-Y.

Please Vote,Please Subscribe, please dont let us down!

***Each citizen that will come to our country in order to help us and pm me will get a cookie with chocolate chips inside, ~so tasty~ mmmm Rawr***

eIsrael president, Sadeh Badeh, the cookie maker!