Introduction of China from ambassador(1)

Day 927, 04:42 Published in India China by Chinesedragon

Hello Indians,I'm the ambassador of eChina,Chinesedragon.
I'm also the ambassador of ePakistan,eIran and eTurkey.So my English is not as good as yours,sorry^ ^

China,which country I live,is a country with a number of 1,300,000,000 population and more than 9,600,000 square kilograms in RL.
China have 34 provinces and municipalities,they are:
Beijing,municipalities(Capital of China both in eRep and in RL,a famous and historical city,became capital before 1300ad,and Olympics of 200😎
Tianjin,municipalities(the biggest dock in north China,but disabled in eRep|||)
Hebei,Shijiazhuang(the province which near Beijing and Tianjin,also disabled)
Liaoning,Shenyang(yes,a high Iron-prodution province in RL,for Anshan and Benxi,also the capital of manufacting...also my hometown^ ^)
Jilin,Changchun(famous for its cars,Hongqi-Red flag)
Heilongjiang,Harbin(famous for cold and ice-cavering...also the first oil making-Daqing,but not a high-iron province in RL)
Inner Mongolia,Hohhot(the biggeset province of livestock,and the cave of Gengis Khan)
Shandong,Jinan(captial of Confucian,famous for cotton)
Henan,Zhengzhou(the oldest one,Hsia and Shang Dynasty)
Shanxi,Taiyuan(the capital of coal and vinegar,but a little poor)
Jiangsu,Nanjing(capital before 1949,and so beautiful...also the lowest one)
Shanghai,municipalities(the biggest city which has more than 13,000,000...the sixth in the you see,the EXPO of 2010 here)
Anhui,Hefei(one of the poorest ones,but has Ma'anshan Iron in RL)
Hubei,Wuhan(middle of China,a big transport hub,and the cleverest students)
Hunan,Changsha(hometown of Mao zedong,and too spicy)
Jiangxi,Nanchang(revolution of Communist Party of China,has the biggest wolfram producing)
Zhejiang,Hangzhou(do you know West Lake?the most beautiful city)
Fujian,Fuzhou(tea!oolong tea and konfu tea)
Guangdong,Guangzhou(the richest province in China mainland,we eat snake and )
Shaanxi,Xian(ancient capital of Chin,Han and Tang,when China was the strongest one)
Ningxia,Yinchuan(most there are muslims)
Gansu,Lanzhou(maybe you know lanzhou beef noodles and our rocket base...also Dunhuang painting)
Sichuan,Chengdu(has the largest populations,spicy food and beautiful girls)
Chongqing,municipalities(Three Gorge Dam here,was belonged to Sichuan until 2000)
Yunnan,Kunming(Southwest of China,called spring city.)
Guizhou,Guiyang(Huangguoshu Falls)
Guangxi,Nanning(Guilin Mountain and water)
Xinjiang,Urumqi(The northwest of China,barbeque and dry grape)
Qinghai,Xining(Golmud,Yushu Oil)
Tibet,Lhasa(Tibet is a part of China...only this...higher than any other provinces)
Hong Kong,municipalities(was colony of UK,the pearl of the east)
Macao,municipalities(was colony of Portugal,Easten Las Vegas)
Taiwan,Taipei(how to say..........)

You can ask any other question about China in eRep or in RL,but not RL Politics,thank you.
Hail China,the world factory!
Hail India,the world office!

Ambassador of eChina