Introducing the new Democratic Party!

Day 680, 11:55 Published in USA USA by DNC Communications
How does the Money Market work? Why the heck did we retreat Maryland to France when we had initiative? Why isn't Hungary attacking the US? How did Spain lose 16,000 gold?!?

Ever had these questions or others about how the heck the admins have made this game work? You're not alone.

Recently, a group of like minded individuals came together to form a new party. One solely concerned about game mechanics.

We are the new Democratic party.

How do game mechanics have to do with political parties? and more importantly how does that effect you?

Great questions! More than one member of the Democratic party has said that political parties are not much more than social clubs. This one is no different in that respect. So what's the big deal then? The members and our goals.

Our Members
include Former US presidents, dozens of senators, former Party Presidents: from AAP, USWP, The Libs, The Feds, UIP, and many others.

We are an experienced and diverse group.

Our Goals
And while that's interesting, it still isn't what we're about. Our diversity only shows that our goals and ideals are broadbased.

* The Democratic Party is one that, overwhelmingly, places GAME MECHANICS above all else. Game Mechanics trump politics, personal gain, and self-interest.
* The Democratic Party believes in the rights of the people.
* The Democrats believe in efficiency at all levels of the government.
* The Democratic Party believes in a "speak loudly and carry a big stick" ideal.
* The United States shouldn't intervene in the foreign politics of neutral nations.

Who is right for the Democrats?
Do you desire US success, even if it means your name won't appear alongside Harlot's?
Do you yearn to learn more about how the game works, from people who have been in every conceivable position, both in the US and abroad?
Do you enjoy helping others learn more?
Do you want to see people grow and become contributing members of the US?

Want to know more?
Our Platform: Platform Here
Our Forums: Forums Here