Inteview with CP of eJapan - Chise E. Tamai

Day 1,574, 08:32 Published in Serbia Serbia by horusbg
(prevod na srpski je posle engleske verzije)

As promised in previous article – interview with Chise E. Tamai, CP of eJapan.

Please, in a few words describe us current situation in eJapan.

First of all, eJapan is wiped. It's wiped by eROC(Taiwan). The official reason from eROC(Taiwan) for reaching this decision was that Taiwan have decided that eJapan was aiding enemy of Taiwan, a pro-ONE country, eROK(Korea). My goal as the current president is to have eJapan back on map by showing eROC(Taiwan) that eJapan does not want to aid enemies of eROC.

Does that involves leaving ProOne?

I have no interest, ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST, in having eJapan to be pro-one in anyway. If there is anything about eJapan that would cause people to see it as to have a pro-one orientation, tell me, I will fix it.

Well OK, but could main reason for this be that ONE wasn’t able to help you due to a lot of trouble on their own home ground or the reason is simply that you want your lands back and want to separate yourself far from ONE and show that to eRoCs.

Personally, I have always had a pro-TEDEN orientation. In January 2012, the eJapan president at the time (Sophia Forrester) had brought a proposal from the American President at the time about setting up laws in favor of TERRA, sign TERRA MPPs, and have eJapan to be strongly in favor of the alliance.
The proposal was not accepted by the congress, but I was one of the few people who had voted "yes" for the proposal from the very beginning. eJapan was not wiped at the time, but even then I had a pro-TEDEN orientation, and I still do.

OK, but whats for eRoCs in this plan? Why would they give you back your territories? Their homeground is very low on resourses... and you are surrounded by TEDEN countries, pardon me but I must say - you are not so well organized in military are perfect country for conquering or PTOing. Taking you as ally by TEDEN will only result in loss for them if you know what I mean...and as far as I know - First negotiations with eROCs from few days ago, failed.

First negotiations with eROCs from a few days ago > I wasn't there so I don't know. From what I understand, eROC had no faith with the previous president due to his association with the anti-Eden Korean party in eJapan, and that resulted a fail in negotiation.
About the fact that taking us as an ally would only result in their loss - well, this fact doesn't change the fact that I am pro-TEDEN. I admit that eJapan does not have much to offer, so I would do this by trying to do minimum damages to them - still let them have the resources, etc, so that they don't lose much.
You might wonder how I am suppose to get this through without having much to offer? My answer is, whatever the situation is, trying to negotiate still is the only thing eJapan can do.

So basicaly you will have some of territories back and some leave to them? Right?

Yes. I am not negotiating for the full territory. It would be nice if the entire eJapan is back, but that's face it - neh, probably not gonna work out that way.

What are your other goals as president?

My goals are get eJapan back on the map and be TEDEN. I say that these two are probably hard enough.

Message to readers in eSerbia?

Umm - show me picture of RL Serbia (lol). I do want to travel to Europe sometime, and a bit more of the introductions would be nice...

Please reshout:
Interview with Chise E. Tamai, CP of eJapan (SRB and ENG versions)

Kao što sam obećao u prethodnom članku – invervju sa Chise E. Tamai CP eJapana.

Molim te objasni nam trenutnu situaciju u eJapanu.

Prvo, eJapan je izbrisan. Izbrisan je od strane eROC (Tajvan). Zvanični razlog tome je što je eROC došao do zaključka da je eJapan pomagao neprijatelju Tajvana, pro-One eROK (Koreja). Moj trenutni cilj kao predsednika je da vratim eJapan na mapu i da pokažem eROC-u da eJapan ne želi da pomaže njihove neprijatelje.

Da li to uključuje i napuštanje pro-ONE?

Ja nemam nikakav interest, APSOLUTNO NIKAKAV INTEREST, da eJapan bude pro-One. Ako postoji nešto što može ljudima da omogući da vide eJapan kao ProOne recite mi, popraviću to.

OK ali da li je možda glavni razlog tome to što ONE nije bio u mogućnosti da vam pomogne zbog svojih problema, ili je to možda jednostavno zbog toga što želiš svoju zemlju nazad i pokušavaš da se što više odvojiš od ONE-a i to naravno pokažeš eROC-u.

Lično, ja sam oduvek bio proTeden. U januaru 2012. tadašnji predsednik eJapana (Sophia Forrester) je iznela predlog Američkog predsednika da donese zakone tako da odgovaraju TERRA-i, potpise MPPs sa TERRA i da tako eJapan bude po volji saveza.
Predlog je odbijen od strane kongresa, ali ja sam jedan od nekolicine koji si glasali za to od početka. eJapan tada nije bio izbrisan i čak tada sam bio proTeden i još uvek sam.

Ok, ali šta eROC ima od tvog plana? Zašto bi vam vratili teritorije nazad? Njihove originalne teritorije su siromašne resursima...okruženi ste TEDEN zemljama, izvini ali moram da kažem – niste vojno organizovani...Vi ste savršena zemlja za osvajanje ili PTO. Uzimajući vas za saveznika TEDEN će biti u gubitku . A i koliko ja znam, prvi pregovori sa eROC su propali.

Vezano za pregovore, ne bih znao jer nisam bio tu tada. Koliko sam razumeo, eROC nije imao poverenja u rethodnog našeg CPa zbog povezanosti sa Anti-Eden korejskom partijom u eJapanu i to je prouzrokovalo neuspeh pregovora.

A što se tiče činjenice da će uzimanje nas za savenike eROC samo izgubiti – pa ova činjenica ne menja drugu činjenicu a to je da sam ja ProTEDEN. Priznajem da eJapan nema mnogo da ponudi ali ja ću se truditi da ovo izvedemo tako da oni imaju najmanje štete – dozvolio bih da zadrže neke resurse tako da ne gube mnogo. Možda se pitaš kako ću uspeti bez mnogo stvari koje mogu da ponudim. Moj odgovor je, kakva god da je situacija, pokušaji pregovora su jedina stvar koju eJapan može da uradi.

U principu ti želiš samo neke teritorije nazad a deo ćeš prepustiti njima?

Da. Ne pregovaram za celu teritoriju. Bilo bi lepo da je ceo eJapan ponovo na mapi ali suočimo se sa činjenicama – ne, verovatno se to neće desiti.

Koji su tvoji drugi ciljevi kao CP-a?

Moji ciljevi su da vratim eJapan na mapu i da bude TEDEN. Mislim da su verovatno ta dva dovoljno teška.

Poruka čitaocima u eSribiji?

Hmmm – pošaljite mi RL sliku Srbije (LOL). Želim da putujem po Evropi i malo uvoda bi bilo lepo...

Molim vas za reshout:
Interview with Chise E. Tamai, CP of eJapan (SRB and ENG versions)