Interview With Vampire Or the Scariest Man in eRepublic History!

Day 1,432, 15:13 Published in USA USA by Axe238Man

In light of the most recent hostile political take over of the New Conservative Party, I felt it was time to time to really dig into what has caused a man “Pizza The Hut” to be the most feared and most hated man in the entire e-World. So I contacted some of his biggest detractors and asked them for a list of grievances so I could then go right to the source and see if I could air them out. So this week I sat down to interview this fellow and find out just who he really was. It is my goal to be fair an balanced and get it all on the table. This is especially important for the New players that are just now coming in to the game.

Axe: Hi Pizza, I appreciate you sitting down with me. Deershark recently headed a hostile takeover of the party that you created and that I was a member of. You were leading in the voting right up until the end, when he leapt ahead and won by a slim margin. Since he had written an article attacking you and pointing out to others that you were a terrible danger to the eUSA and that you “Must be stopped” It would seem that many joined the fray and outvoted the actual members of the party. It seemed to me and other members that we were being punished for the sins of the father (that would be you) as it were. So I would like to ask you a few questions about your past sins. Starting with this one:

You were accused by Liquid Oxygen of letting the “ONE” Coalition into the eUSA putting the eUSA at risk of hostile political takeover. What do you have to say to that?
Pizza: ONE is the alliance opposed to TERRA and EDEN. I have let citizens of those countries in because they were political refugees who wanted to fight for us, and they have ALL proved to be well worth the political risk because they deserved the opportunity. He (Liquid Oxygen) doesn't even know who he is talking about. Maybe he should go track these people down and do a little something called "research" instead of sounding like the global warming alarmists in RL and making up nonsense without any actual proof.

Axe: Liquid Oxygen and Armandez also accused you of underhanded tactics such as creating multiple players “multis” to destabilize other governments and to facilitate political take overs.

Pizza: I was banned once for multis in October, 2009. I got bored and made 4 accounts to play in different countries. This is a light misdemeanor in the crime of making multis. Compared to some who would be hardcore repeat felons in this area, what I did was nothing and TWO years ago.
Axe : 2009 was a long time ago in erep life as we are now approaching 2012. So why do you think all of these people are so unforgiving toward you?
Pizza: They have nothing else to attack me on so they keep bringing something I have admitted to many times before up over and over again. Max McFarland used multis, but because he bought their love, that's fine.

Axe: So did you do try to use multis after that?

Pizza: I haven't done so since then.

Axe: So you rejoined the game using the name Winston as in Churchill. What happened to that ID?

Pizza: I was banned as Winston for "external advertising" which would be for my radio show which others always get away with. This was just an excuse to get rid of me and someone likely called in a favor.
Axe: so then I see a pattern here. You are obviously a RL conservative which to many is an unpardonable sin by itself. Because you came back again with the name Ronald.

Pizza: Ronald was when I was inactive on Pizza and it was an irish Reagan! I thought it was pretty clever. The O'Reagan banning was never actually explained except saying it was a multi, when it wasn't, but oh well.

Axe: You also at one time used the avatar of Barnabas, who was the newest apostle to spread the gospel in the bible replacing one Judas Iscariot who died an untimely death.

Pizza: Barnabas was one of my accounts back when I had Ajay.

Axe: I spoke with a number of people that are your biggest detractors. In preparation for this it seems that there are a lot of rumors but when I pressed them for the proof they all crumbled.
As Elizabeth Jones

said “Pizza The Hut has only wanted to reform our country for the better. Creating an environment where ALL erep citizens can get a fair opportunity to make it in our great nation without having to resort to the same ole tactics that been used over and over against us, to squash the revolution that's brewing within our borders.” Also having been following you closely now for nearly two years, I have seen nothing of the man that your detractors say you are and I agree with Elizabeth Jones.

You have worked very hard to create some things that would benefit the eUSA only to have them destroyed by others. Yet your detractors like Deershark have used some of the very same tactics they claim to hate to destroy your work. To quote an old friend,

Any Jackass can kick down a barn

but it takes a group of committed hardworking individuals to build something. You have a proven ability of building up and I hope that getting this all out in public will allow us to move on.
So I ask you what are your current thoughts and perhaps goals.

Pizza: People who wish to look at the facts can see me for who I am and what I stand for. All I do is defend the interests of myself and those who are continuously persecuted in the eWorld. Look at the writings and the bullying tactics of those who claim that they know what is best for you and the results are as clear as day. eAmericans and eRepublikans throughout the world must unite. It is time to expose these frauds and liars for who they are. See the truth and stand with me.

Axe: Well as a wise man once said when witnessing the guilt of a person who had committed a great sin, “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.

Axe: So to all of you that have refused to forgive, I ask you to give this man a chance to do something good.