Interview With UKRP Member Of Congress Wossoo

Day 637, 02:15 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Graham Fortune
New Democracy) What drove you to enter politics and, ultimately, to run for Congress?

Wossoo) Well, for the most part I thoroughly enjoy the challenge that politics and running for congress in erepublik brings. This most likely comes from my innate desire to make a difference where I can; to change things for the better. Politics is also a likely career track for me in the real world, so I figured it might be fun to play a very politically-oriented game.

New Democracy) You are a member of the UKRP, and currently their Head of Media and Propaganda. How do you see the growth of the party panning out in the future, and what benefits does joining have for new citizens?

Wossoo) I am very confident that the party will continue to grow as it has done for a long time. The United Kingdom Reform Party is ideal for new citizens of the eUK who believe in the rights of the individual to do what they want free of government control, which extends to business and our ideal free market economy.

We strive to offer support and guidance to new members, and we make sure to allow newer players to influence party decision making, policy and allow those would like to gain experience runnning for congress the opportunity to become official party candidates providing they are active on our party forum. I am an example of this support, where despite having very little government experience I was allowed to run in eLondon where I quite comfortably gained my first congress seat, and the beauty is that this opportunity is available to all who wish to take it.

New Democracy) What would you say the biggest achievements of your time in Congress so far have been?

Wossoo) Well, sadly owing to me having only served for less than a single term so far, I have not yet had time to achieve much in the House of Commons/Congress, what with learning the ropes and gaining the confidence and know-how to speak out, it all takes time. That said, I believe I was right to help the UKRP speak out against the nationalisation of Q2 food, which of course would have been an unnecessary disgrace if it came to be, but I digress.

New Democracy) It was recently said in Congress Public Discussion that members of Congress hardly represent their regions any more, and that the regional forums were dead. What is your view on that?

Wossoo) I believe a dilemma exists here in that, in eRepublik, the public are not so vocal about issues to their regional MPs/Members of Congress. This means that a lot of the time people feel like they are not being represented which, while it may be true, is half due to the fact that they are not helping thenselves be represented by putting forward their viewpoints. Equally, I think us members of congress could try harder to gather the opinions and viewpoints on regional issues through holding conferences or Q&A sessions perhaps. Who knows? - Either way it is difficult to accurately represent our regions sometimes in Parliamentary discussions.

I disagree, however, that regional forums are dead. This also goes for regional councils. The London Regional Council, for example, tirelessly spends considerable resources and time helping new citizens get to grips with eRepublik by offering welcome baskets and advice through articles. They also help gift people with low wellness and distribute weapons in times of need to those who ask. I know for a fact that other councils aim for the same situation, and many regional forums continue to have decent levels of activity, but this can and, I believe should, be improved.

New Democracy) Congress is currently debating the purchase of a Q5 hospital from Eurasian Healthcare. If approved, which region do you think it should go to and why?

Wossoo) Well, firstly these placement decisions are usually left to the War Council - not Congress - but it seems to me that Alberta is the best region as it is strategically the best option. It is, however, also the most risky because it is historically a Canadian region so we can probably expect resistance wars there in the future as we have done recently. The construction of a Q5 hospital there would help us to defend it, though.

The other likely option is Yorkshire and Humberside, a large region which I believe was decided to be next in line for a Q5 hospital anyways. I would like to say my home region Wales should get it, but I think it is just too small to make it worthwhile for now but I am quite confident Wales will see a hospital improvement at some point in the future.

New Democracy) Your Red Dragon News articles give the impression that you thought long and hard about whether joining PEACE was the right thing to do. What is your take on the eUK's current military engagements, how do you see things turning out in this regard, and in the wider context, what is your view on the proposed PEACE/eUSA settlement?

Wossoo) I am very happy that the military of the eUnited Kingdom has been able to play a part in recent world events alongside PEACE allies, and I would hope to see this carry on until our enemies, for as long as they are enemies, remain subjugated. I am quite happy that a deal was met with regards to the eUSA because, in this whole conflict, I personally considered PEACE to be teaching the eUSA a lesson - rather than conquering them and writing the eUSA out of eHistory. It's easy to say that perhaps PEACE went a little far in their teaching, perhaps enough so that they are sowing the seeds for future world wars which in a game will be a fun thing, but for the sake of the eUK, we have picked our side now, and I just hope PEACE continues to be a strong alliance.

New Democracy) What are the best qualities, in your opinion, of a member of Congress, and how do they affect the political landscape?

Wossoo) In my opinion a congress member should be diplomatic, loyal and attentive. Diplomatic so that their opinions are not put across in such a way that they purposefully offend those who hold a different opinion. They should be loyal to the region they represent, and the people who voted for them. After all, congress members are only in congress because of the people's vote. I also believe congress members should stick to plans outlined in their manifestos, and should align themselves with the party they represent. Importantly, congress members should also be attentive, and listen to the opposing view appropriately, politely and with due respect.

These qualities, I feel, make congress a place where each congress member holds true to their own beliefs, but can work with people of differing views as a team to push through effective legislation which is given proper thought, or just to understand each other's differences better... but I guess we don't live in a utopia.

Congress members should be active in many ways, also, both in their respective regional/party forums and in the House of Commons discussions - if only so that votes for them are not wasted. This is, sadly, a scenario we see all too often.