Interview With TUP Member Of Congress busynurse1510

Day 639, 02:16 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Graham Fortune
New Democracy) What drove you to enter politics and, ultimately, to run for Congress?

busynurse1510) It was a side of the game I hadn't explored and I was initially curious as to how it all worked. I don't think you can really understand the way Congress works without being a member of it.

New Democracy) How do you see the growth of your party, TUP, panning out in the future, and what benefits does joining have for new citizens?

busynurse1510) I am happy with the way that the TUP has grown and we are doing increasingly well in the Congress elections. I think the TUP probably reflects the real-life political views of a lot of real players in eUK and I think that helps.

I think that joining any party and getting active within it is good for all new citizens and the TUP is certainly pretty friendly and accessible to new players.

New Democracy) What would you say the biggest achievements of your time in Congress so far have been?

busynurse1510) That is a hard question as Congress works as a whole body. There are discussions that I have taken an active part in shaping (particularly around the economy) but I can't point to any particular achievements that I can claim credit for.

New Democracy) It was recently said in Congress Public Discussion that members of Congress hardly represent their regions any more, and that the regional forums were dead. What is your view on that?

busynurse1510) I have been in my region since the beginning, have created my company and organisation in the region and have only represented my region in Congress. I think there are a lot of people who just want to get into Congress and will go to whatever region they think will give them the best chance of this (as in real life). I think very few (if any) decisions that Congress makes affect individual regions and this is something that would be a good thing to add to the game.

New Democracy) You recently took part in a heated Congress debate regarding the potential nationalisation of Q2 food and the King Food issue. With a related situation perhaps developing regarding Garnata Food, what approach do you feel that the government should take when dealing with such matters?

busynurse1510) I think that the free market does a fairly good job at balancing wages, production and competition and it should rarely be directly interfered with. I think where there is a genuine market failure (e.g. new players cannot get decent jobs or cannot afford food) then the government should intervene.

New Democracy) What is your take on the eUK's current military engagements, how do you see things turning out in this regard, and in the wider context, what is your view on the proposed PEACE/eUSA settlement?

busynurse1510) I am much more interested in domestic politics than foreign affairs and think that we should be in whatever alliances are neccessary to keep eUK secure. There is a real incentive within the game for countries to be in a state of near constant conflict and so I don't think any settlement will last in the medium term and I think that there will always be player pressure to have their country in some conflict to enable them to develop their military careers. One of the things I think is really interesting is how different the eCountries are in terms of their geography than their real-world counterparts and the new map feature shows this very clearly.

New Democracy) What are the best qualities, in your opinion, of a member of Congress, and how do they affect the political landscape?

busynurse1510) I think independence is a good characteristic and one I tend to prize and the ability to analyse all sides of an argument or issue. I try and engage actively with members in my region although there is very little that an individual Congressman can do to benefit people in their own region directly.