Interview with smrtan, the president of Slovakia (Slovakian ed.)

Day 916, 11:03 Published in Slovakia United Kingdom by Bosko Balaban
How did you find erepublik and what grasped you in it?

It was my friend with whom I'm doing a beer portal - eersen. He asked me just to make 6th level but I liked this game and stayed inside. From the beginning only for the economic point of this game, later also for military. Finally for politics.

You are the second strongest citizen in Slovakia. Why did you settle in a country with such a low population and why didn't you go to somewhere else where salaries and circumstances are better?

Until We took Lower Austria I was the strongest one, buth that's not the point. I registered in Poland but moved to Slovakia after 2 months of playing. I love this country, studied there, know slovak language, culture etc. I made first slovak BabyBoom (even if BabyBoom could sounds funny with bringing to the game about 100 active persons). That's a pity most of them was pissed off and quit the game after hungarian invasion.

You were elected 6 times president and 4 times congressman. What are you're most proud of during your presidency? How active was the Slovak congress when you were a congressman?

You should divide that to 1x presidency + 2 congress seats in ePoland & 5x presidency and 2 congress seats in Slovakia. The best time was of course "Mushroom Wars" - We have had new hospital, trainings everyday (We were also paying Fort Sol, so We trained 24/7, for some time being in the better situation than Poland!) and rapidly growing economy. Slovak congress isn't so much active. I can compare it to polish and the difference is very big, even shocking. AFAIK also hungarian, russian or american congresses are very active, so I guess it's a problem of small counties, especially when soldiers are leaving congress quickly.

You have medium grain in several regions and a medium iron in Central Slovakia. What realistic economic goals could Slovakia set?

Ouch! Medium iron? We'd be very glad, but the only way for having medium iron is to conquer Silesia 🙂 You probably ment medium wood. I remember the times when wood was damn expensive and it was the best time for our (almost non-existing) land sector. Dividing regions into medium-high makes many countries forced to be 2nd category or forget to have any land-skilled workers. So our economic goals are realistic - We have some land companies abroad and focus on manu/constru sector.

Geographically Slovakia is situated between Poland and Hungary. As a neighbour of two military alliances, what kind of politics are Slovakia interested in? Eden, Phoenix or as a neutral state?

Yes, indeed. This location is almost like a curse. Since a start We have forced our neutral policy (even hosting Mushroom Wars We declared Slovakia as a neutral country and invited everybody to this training - finally there were 15 EDEN plus 15 neutral state). Later after hungarian aggression We declared our country as pro-EDEN country but... EDEN wasn't interested Slovakia to join in. We asked once, asked twice but We'll never ask 3rd time, especially now when We have a cold war with Romania. We won't enter any alliance having Romanians inside as long as We won't close our *cough* misunderstandings. Also Phoenix isn't realistic - because many people in Hungary want to conquer or destroy us ("just because&quot😉 so even with help of our russian friends our membership in Phoenix would be problematic. This is pretty funny thing - We have mobile dmg comparable to some EDEN/Phoenix (in many battles We made more dmg than Finnland or Sweden, even not comparing to Norway or Switzerland) but everyone want us just for swapping.

Recently Slovakia swapped regions with Poland quite frequently, which Poland immediately gave back after attacking Hungary. Did Poland threaten Slovakia to tolerate it or is this the result of an agreement that is beneficial for both sides?

We swapped with Poland quite frequently, true. But few weeks ago I declared that swaps via our territory could be done only for independent polish operations. This is why We blocked one of attacks to Eastern Slovakia and didn' assisted in EDEN operation. We will always help ePoland (our most reliable ally) in their own operations (swapping them to the slovenian borders), but EDEN anti-hungarian operations won't be supported by Slovakia (We understood last time Poland was in need to block Hungary for 24 hours to prevent opposite block in austrian regions). However We're not an EDEN member and We don't need to listen EDEN threats and blackmailing in romanian style.

Do you see any chance that Slovakia could negotiate with the Hungarians for a better relationship? Could Hungary help Slovakia to became stronger?

Huh... this would be the best option. There are many players in Hungary who can speak slovak fluently (bilingual people) and they choose more perspective country (nobody can blame them for that). But I strongly believe, having at least 1 high region (even shitty grain, which is not-so-shitty after new hospital rule) they could play in eSlovakia - develop the country and especially develop our mobile dmg (most of them are old players, even older than me). Having bilingual (hungarian-slovakian) eSlovaks plus RL Slovaks & Czechs plus maybe some more Poles We could be a nice player on the map. Of course there is also one more problem - Poland and Hungary cooperation. I respect all players talking "it won't work, smrtan, too many old friendships" but this game is getting really booooring. The only problem is a matter of trust. Are PL + HU able to quit their alliances the same day?

Is there any Hungarian players you know, or who you worked with in erepublik?

Sure. Istone1, Mikrobi and few more.

You have the name Perun on your avatar. What does your military company mean to you and how actively do you participate in it? Who are the members in general of the Czechoslovakian Legion?

I was one of founders, but now as a country president I can't be so active so I even work in private company. Perun and old Czechoslovakian formed regular Czechoslovak Army and works now together. Members of Legion comes from Slovak and Czech Republic (I guess 50/50 or so), members of Perun comes from all slavic countries (mainly Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, there were also few people from Russia, Serbia, Croatia, even Bosna). Our old original plan was to establish a panslavic army but there is too many hatred between several slavic countries 🙁

Zoli is the most famous Hungarian who has American citizenship, Max Macfarland 2, the rich American recently took Serbian citizenship. Would you took Hungarian, Indonesian or American citizenship ever or is this impossible for you?

I have had polish and czech citizenship, then back to slovak. It would be exciting to have all slavic citizenships for example but... one day maybe even hungarian citizenship would be suitable for me. There are still some unpaid bills between Czechoslovakia and Romania so expect me at the battlefield 😛

Slovak players represent a very small part of erepublik's population. Can you think any possibility that it could change?

True. We're still working on many recruitment actions but the game without suitable language support is unfriendly to many players (We have only greasomenky langpack in Czech). However now it is definitely better than the day I started to play (about 250 ppl in Slovakia, incl. many commies coming all around the world).

The interview was made by: Bosko Balaban
Translation: Istone1