Interview With RFA Member Of Congress AltmerVampire

Day 636, 02:47 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Graham Fortune
New Democracy) What drove you to enter politics and, ultimately, to run for Congress?

AltmerVampire) Politics has always interested me, both in game and in real life. I saw that the eUK suffered from a wide variety of problems and wanted to do my very best to help the country that I loved and try my utmost to make a positive difference, even if it was small, because quite frankly, the eUK needed more activity and every citizen can contribute in so many ways, politics I believed was the way I could help.

New Democracy) How do you see the growth of your party, the RFA, panning out in the future, and what benefits does joining have for new citizens?

AltmerVampire) Well, about a week ago the RFA reached the 200 mark which was, obviously, fantastic. The RFA has such amazing people in it, that work incredibly hard for the party. I was away for about a week after we reached 200 members, and in that week we climbed another 30 members so we are experiencing rapid growth.

The party always nurtures growth of citizens, young and old. We don't have any elite members like other parties but everyone is equal. We encourage debate, especially among young members and have a New Members Ambassador to make them feel welcome. The RFA is a good way to introduce yourself to eUK politics in a welcoming manner, everyone helps everyone and we have a mentoring scheme in place. For more information, this article helps: (advertising is fun)

New Democracy) What would you say the biggest achievements of your time in Congress so far have been?

AltmerVampire) In Congress, would probably be the moment we passed the Hungarian Training War over Scotland or our vote for PEACE. Both monumental occasions.

Outside of congress, being viewed as one of our closest links to France, all my work in the MoFA, the article I advertised earlier and helping to set up the NI Senate.

New Democracy) It was recently said in Congress Public Discussion that members of Congress hardly represent their regions any more, and that the regional forums were dead. What is your view on that?

AltmerVampire) It's completely true unfortunately. So many congress members use their regions merely as a stepping stone to power. Before I came to Congress I helped restart up the Northern Ireland Senate which I still serve on today. But unfortunately many regional forums are slipping into their death. However some congressmen still attempt to represent their regions and some regions act as shining examples to the others, such as London and the East Midlands.

New Democracy) What is your stance on the King Food issue?

AltmerVampire) Well obviously King Food is bad. Congress has been discussing methods of dealing with the issue and our results have so far been quite effective. The MoW I believe needs to do more to solve the problem and I have full confidence John Forseti (MoW) and Mr Woldy (MoHA) can together sort the problem. I've PMed a few members of the company myself, and have tried to explain to them the issues of working at the company and so far it has been successful so fingers crossed it will be dealt with soon.

New Democracy) What is your take on the eUK's current military engagements, and how do you see things turning out in this regard?

AltmerVampire) Well... As a commodore in the Royal Navy I have to answer favourably. The eUK, in my opinion, has finally woken up to the importance of its military, with a massive increase in troop numbers and spending. Our military is quickly improving and is doing it's very best. I support what we are doing in Canada as I believe it is the best option for our country and I hope we can crush the resistance wars soon. However, I do believe that when one war is crushed another will just jump up. There is no immediate solution to this but in the end it will turn out for the best and we will succeed as a nation, working together. For a change...

New Democracy) What are the best qualities, in your opinion, of a member of Congress, and how do they affect the political landscape?

AltmerVampire) A member of congress has to be active. The more active the better.

They have to be competent, understand what they are discussing and voting on.

Preferably active on their regional forums and their regional council.

They affect the landscape by inspiring others, attempting to help the people of the eUK and generally doing a good job. A single good congressman makes a world of difference to the eUK and can make boundless difference.