Interview with Necros Xiaoban

Day 1,090, 16:38 Published in New Zealand USA by Michael J Frost

Welcome to the first Sunday night edition of New Zealand’s Angry Panda. Bringing you interviews and stories from around New Zealand.

Today I sit down with Necros Xiaoban, leader of a new political movement which strives to improve New Zealand, at home and on the world stage.

Welcome seven time congressmen and current congressmen in the New Zealand parliament, Necros Xiaoban.
So lets get right to it.

You are the head of the Agrarianz Party movement. For those who don’t know, what is this all about? What are the goals?

The Agrarianz Party is first and foremost about providing strong, stable, active leadership to New Zealand.
Effective political control requires party leaders with the ability to organize and mobilize the party into action, leveraging their votes for control of Congress
Obviously, in a situation like New Zealand's, where there is fierce, if polite, division that ability is crucial
Without a stable Congress it is difficult to implement the policies we believe will strengthen and grow New Zealand
Once Congressional representation is achieved, Agrarianz intends to continue to support and develop existing tax policy
When the present tax policy was first introduced, revenues were ~350 NZD/Day
In less than two weeks revenues have already grown to 700 NZD
*700 NZD/Day
Growth has been exponential, and we firmly believe that by continuing our existing policies, we'll see continued growth, without a need for raising taxes
We're also committed to finding ways for anyone who wants to be involved to be involved
Everyone who has approached me with interest in the Agrarianz Party movement has been provided with the opportunity to play some role in it
There will always be those players who are significantly more active than most, but Agrarianz will not ignore the less active in their favor
I suppose that answers the question 😛

Indeed. That is very impressive growth.

Its certainly outpaced our expectations.

You often say the Agrarianz Party movement is “For the people” what makes your movement more ‘people friendly’ than other parties?

I think to answer that, you first have to look at what the *purpose* of a party is
Which, generally speaking is to organize its members and obtain political power
How that is done is often the issue
Many parties rely on a few central leaders to accomplish everything
These are often highly talented, highly capable people who can do great things
In a country like New Zealand, they probably can even find time to do *all* these things
And having done them, believe themselves to have done a great job
Where the problem then arises is that these handful of people have taken on all the responsibilities of the party, and left everyone else without a voice, and without a sense of involvement
If you find everyone in your party a role, no matter how small, they'll feel that they're a part of it
This not only is great for retention, on both a party and national level
but also accomplishes the second goal of a party, which is to obtain political power
An active, interested and involved membership will turnout to vote on election day
and will vote effectively, ensuring votes are not wasted in needless elections
Agrarianz then seeks to find a way for anyone who wishes to play a part in the administration of our party to have that opportunity
A country like New Zealand is of course always looking for new immigrants
and being that most of us ourselves are immigrants, party members could be a great way of recruiting and vetting new citizens
I also don't believe our parties have yet consolidated, and there's a strong tendency for citizens to drift amongst the parties
In that sense, party members can be advocates for the Agrarianz party movement
mass messaging, writing articles, communicating via IRC, spreading the doctrine of Agrarianz and inviting other citizens to join

Very thought out!

Some worry that focusing so much on domestic issues may weaken our international standing. What do you say to these claims?

A party must be concerned with it's people
It cares for them, educates them, involves them, provides opportunity for them to grow
It is only then natural that they have a focus on domestic policy
International matters are very much about personal relationships, and the ability of foreign affairs ministers, ambassadors, and country presidents to reach out and find common ground
It is difficult for everyone in a country to know all the goings on of diplomatic proceedings
and indeed, such proceedings are often of a sensitive nature, and not revealed to the public unless a decision must be made
So while the parties may work to educate their politicians to ensure reasonable international policy
they can't have a direct influence on it

As you have pointed out, New Zealand's economy has already grown faster than we imagined. One of the movement's goals is to improve the standard of living, how will Agrarianz Party use the economy to make this a reality?

There's several things we do which provide for an ever increasing standard of living
First and foremost, we believe in keeping tariffs low, as that encourages competition in the markets, and prevents markets from stagnating
without competitive pressure, investors are unlikely to shift to more profitable markets, which means our workers are not getting the most out of their productivity
This has two great benefits
With competition, prices are kept low, giving citizens more purchasing power
and also investors push capital into the most profitable markets, yielding higher dividends and allowing them to pay workers a higher wage
We've also kept domestic taxes very moderate
VATs are at their absolute minimum, reducing artificial pressure on the cost of goods to the consumer
and Income taxes are kept well below their effective maximum
That means the consumer keeps more money in their pocket, can buy more goods, and can improve themselves as an individual to a great degree.

NX, you’ve been around a while, and a lot of people know you. However, this is a multinational nation and not everyone is sure of your qualifications. What kind of experience do you bring as a political leader?
Oh lord

Big list?

I've served as Party President of the #6 party in America
along with a bunch of other, lesser titles like Chief of Staff within that party
which, by the way, rose from the #50 spot to its prominent position under my leadership 😉
I then spent several months in and around Congress, working with several different parties
I learned how different parties manage themselves
and gained a strong understanding of their various strengths and weaknesses
from my extensive career in the United States military I learned how to organize and lead
applying the military's concepts to party governance with the United States Workers Party
With that style of organization, the USWP nearly doubled its seats in Congress in a single month
From the US I then came to New Zealand where I worked with the Provisional Government and Kiwi Kontrol, then served as Finance Minister, and in Congress
When President Calbe was elected, he reaffirmed my position as Finance Minister, and I've since been working on the continued stable inflation of the NZD, drafting a well balanced budget, and continuing to support the economic policies of the Agrarianz Party

What is the general reaction you’ve received in regards to the movement?
Its been almost entirely positive, some mixed reactions from people unsure of Agrarianz's complete policies, but we've been working to better inform and educate the public
and I think its paying off

hopefully this interview will help with that then


What future do you see for New Zealand with an Agrarianz Party at the helm?

I envision a country with rising prosperity attracting new investment, new citizens and new leaders
By creating an active, involved citizenry we will increase our ability to retain new players, as well as draw in players from other nations
by ensuring the economy continues to grow and develop, we will attract new investment, strengthening our production, providing a higher standard of living, and increasing our militant potential
And from that active citizenry, tempered by exciting, interesting opportunities, we will draw forth the leaders of tomorrow who will steer New Zealand down a path that leads to greatness
Those are magnificent words to hear NX.
Thanks for talking with me tonight!


Clearly, NX and the Agrarianz Party movement are to be a large force for good in the future, a pillar in what will be the foundation of a great-nation-in-training. They have my full support and I have full confidence in Necros Xiaoban. But don’t take my word for it!

There’s the link. Read Necros’ newspaper and decide for yourself, if the Agrarianz Party is for you.

Michael J Frost