Interview with eCanadian President, William Duncan + the GTFFH

Day 698, 09:25 Published in USA USA by rivere123

Thanks to Mr. Duncan for his time and kindness.
Q:1. What is your view on the Brolliance and those allied with PEACE that have yet to attack our allies?
A:1. The Brolliance is a unique relationship between eCanada and the eUnited States. I believe it is the future of North America. From an economic and military perspective, the Brolliance has endless potential. As for those nations that are mixed up with the PEACE GC organization, most of them do not share or believe in the PEACE GC organization's imperialist agenda. Most nations are in truth good, and unlike PEACE GC hold no ill will towards our country.
Q:2. What do you think of the repetitive attacks on former-eCanadian regions by eAmerica?
A:2. Our Friends & Allies in the United States are trying to help us liberate our regions. They do so as brothers. eHungary's continued imperialist policies will not be suffered by the Brolliance, and we have every intention of removing them from North America, and wherever else they plant their empire.
Q:3. What will be your approach on PEACE after this is all over?
A:3. Once we have liberated our regions our relationship with the PEACE GC Organization is not going to change. They planned and enacted the destruction of our country. They decided to be our enemies rather than our friends. I believe the PEACE GC Organization has become far too corrupt and cruel. PEACE GC must go.
Q:4. What are your plans for when your term is over?
A:4. I'll think about vacation once my work is done. For now, my priority is as I promise😛 liberating eCanada, reforming how our government works, rebuilding eCanada, drafting a new Constitution, restoring our domestic programs and developing more friends and allies abroad for eCanada, while strengthening and maintaining the ones we have.
Q:5. Do you intend to strengthen not only the brolliance itself but the relations within it by the end of your term?
A:5. Strengthening the Brolliance is, in my opinion, strengthening the relations within it. President Gaius Julius and I have taken steps to ensure we can always communicate with each other. Improving relations is our common goal.
Thanks again!
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