Interview with Blythemark

Day 673, 17:02 Published in USA USA by sjohnfsdsxzzx

Blythemark is making his first run for congress tommorow in the state of michigan. A good american and press director of the newspaper For Lack Of A Better Name, he has recently stated his intent to run for congress and has also published an article on how to format newspaper articles.
During the interview he gave the following answers:

1)what are your major proposals that you would like to see be accepted if u make it into congress?

I would like to see a more serious attempt at diplomacy, particularly to SOL nations. I also want official government support of Max McFarland's projects--we need to help spread the word. (Putting money in it would be counter-productive.)

2)what are your views on the war?

We should stop at our borders. We need at least a small break in major conflict for a while.

3)what is your policy on taxes?

They're fine as they are. I have had no complaints as a citizen, and will not have any as a congressman.

4)how do u think we could organize the military better?

We should try and make ties with more of the independent fighting groups, and learn from them. We also need a password-protected dedicated military forum.

5)should we make peace with our enemies after liberating all 51 states or should we proceed to have revenge on PEACE?

We should stop at our borders for a while. We all need a break to get back on our feet financially--as a citizen, the war has drained my personal funds significantly. I am sure I am not the only one who has had this problem.

6)Why should citizens vote for u in the upcoming congressional elections?

I'm running for the state that I live in. I'm looking to help the US. I'll be active. I don't know what else to say--I have nothing original to say here. If you like my policies, then vote for me. If you don't, do something different.

7)How will u help citizens have their voices heard in congress?

I have a newspaper, and I read the comments on it and respond to them. My PM box is always open and I tend to respond very quickly. If anyone has concerns, and they make an effort to contact me, I'll consider what they have to say and see what I can do to help.

All in all, blythemark is a new and aspiring politician with many views and thoughts on how to help america. More interviews will continue the next week, stay tuned.