Interview With AThompson, Hungarian President

Day 1,149, 02:01 Published in Greece Greece by Makedonissa

Two very interesting interviews will be published in my newspaper today and (hopefully) tommorow.
Two Presidents that their actions raised voices against them but also in their favor with their recent decisions, answer my questions.
First one is the newly elected President of Hungary, AThompson.

Mr President thank you for this interview. I know we live in strange times in eRepublik and the diplomatic scenery is changing rapidly, so without any delay, I would like your opinion on the dissolution of Phoenix and the future of EDEN.
I personally would like to see the dead of both alliances as soon as possible. The Atlantis-EDEN and the PEACE-Phoenix just can't work fine in this module, and after two years they are really boring. There is one thing what I'll miss : the old Phoenix elite, there were great leaders.

We have seen a decline in Phoenix starting at about October and ending with the dissolution of the alliance. Now that the whole thing is actually over, what do you think were the causes of this?
Hmm. The Phoenix is dead since ~last May I think just like the EDEN. After that there were good times for both sides, but there were not a real Golden Age. It's hard to say what was the first step for the Phoenix in the last month. Some people say that this was Brazil's leaving, but this isn't true, since after they leave the Phoenix remained the same. Serbia and Hungary left the alliance because they were bored with the fireman function. There is an opposite point of view - the little countries - namely that the little alliance members were not happy when they had to help the two big states in their conquests. Both povs are true

According to your own proposals (MPP with Spain and Poland), we see an approach of neighbors and a new Central European diplomatic mobility. Regional alliances is the future?
Some people say that the future is the regional alliances. I think that sooner or later mammoth alliances will form again. But for a short time there can be even 3 alliances in the same time. I meant 3 more or less serious alliance.

I read several articles both in Spain and Poland about this approach by you. What is your answer to the criticism?
People don't like the change, and for people of Spain and Poland this change might came too all of sudden. I'm pretty sure, that we can show them that those MPPs worth the tension what they cause.

As you know, Greece and Hungary were in different alliances until now. Your move to sign MPP with EDEN countries brings you closer to us in a way. But we still have open fronts with Turkey and FYROM, your current allies. How do you think this situation will evolve?
Hmm. Our best ally (beside Serbia) is Turkey and Macedonia (e.n.FYROM) and this thing makes a Greek MPP difficult for Hungary. I will be more simple for now : a Greek MPP is impossible with open fronts on Macedonia/Turkey. I'm neutral about Greece, but with you can understand that for us Turkey and Macedonia (e.n.FYROM) is far more important.

It is certain that the recent changes in the game will create new needs. New alliances will be formed. How long do you think it will take for new alliances to stabilize? When will we have the final schemes?
This is a hard question. The alliances will from the other alliances if you understand what I say. I meant that the interactions between the power-blocks will create alliances. If a power-block become too strong than the opposite power-block will become an alliance quickly under the pressure, but if the power-blocks are too careful, and they won't attack each other, than this procedure will take long weeks or months. Just like a hammer, the anvil, and the sword what is forming slowly under the hits. Same will happen here.

What is all this NWO issue? Does it really exist or it is just a wishful thinking? Are you going to be part of it? Any other inside info that you can share?
I personally hate the 'NWO' expression, but yes it exists in a weird way : in the thinking of the people. A lots of people wants the mythical 'New World Order'. We are working on the issue what people love to call the 'NWO'.

Mr President thank you very much for your time to answer these questions. Any message you wish to send to the Greeks?
Make a real baby boom, or your neighbours will grown on your head

Thank you

* The interview is published exactly as it was taken with no interventions at all except of the e.n. (Editor's Note).