Interview with Alfagrem [english version]

Day 1,068, 03:54 Published in Russia Russia by Forzen

IToday we talking with the many times BattleHero and the successful businessman from eNewZealand - Alfagrem

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Hello, Alfa. Thank you that accepted my invitation.... So where you come from? We know that you are a magnate from South Korea. Is it true? What forced you to leave a quiet life and go to the front?
Аlfagrem: I spent over a year in eSK and pretty much ran the economy. I had companies all over Asia as part of a larger worldwide conglomerate with some old friends (long since dead).

As a small nation we were constantly subject to PTO by medal hunters. Most if not all of these citizens came from nations such as Romania, Poland and America. So I was bought in in the eWorld with a distrust of these nations... About 6 months ago we (eSK) was attacked by eJapan and that started off the series of events that led to me fighting in Russia recently.

So why you chose the Phoenix side? Where you fought before? Some maybe epic battles? or wars?
A: I'm not actually pro-PHX. I've seen many small nations like mine fall to PTO's launched from those states. So I accept that both sides aren't pure and clean. I have however due to friends in Germany, Russia, etc fought almost exclusivly for PHX. The only exceptions being fighting to defend Israeli regions from invasion... My battle list includes many of the famous battles for FER, LK and the like. I also liberated Thailand from union with Malaysia and fought in all the battles of the Japanese Invasion of my home nation.

In LK you fought for China?
A: no. I fought for Serbia

becouse of?
А: my view has always been "It may be coded as a chinese region but the companies are Serbian, the citizens are Serbian...........They've developed it and they have lived there for many, many months"

how many gold you spend on a battlefield? in EPIC battles?

A: in this new version? depends how much I have to hand. The first Siberain battle was self-funded from my own riches upto the point where I got into a fight with HaferKorn. I then purchased Gold. so 250-300euros was spent that night

its a lot.
A: not really. well......depends on how much you earn in RL i guess

so why you using RL money? If it is internet game?
А: because it was there.

becouse you can?) yes?)
A: yep. It amused me for a bit. I'd only spend it on other junk

Are you agree with a foul play of Admins? Some rules are tailored for EDEN countries, especially unlimited gold investitions that comes from real. It kill a game for many people that haven't MasterCard or won't to spend RL money for a game. And I'm even don't speak that this offers aren't supported by all countries.
A:The game like life is unfair. That the admins are making it more unfair is not helpful.

you mean close one's battles and transfer regions at their discretion?
А: no I mean by making everything an auction. Gold > All

А:It's no longer the game it was where the time you put in = rewards. I could win the Euromillions jackpot, buy millions of gold and conquer the world........all on my own. and I could do it as a brand new character if I wanted. I sincerly believe the rumour that Admin is shutting the game down and is just hosing the clients down for the last penny they can get from them

But whatever you are play by their rules, right? Don't you think that it is a reason why Admins won't change it?
А: the fact that the rules are f[censored for admin]ed up and there decisions are not coherent tends to cancel out in the long run. I don't think admin will change the rules because they want as much cash as possible before they shutdown.

V1 was a massivly succesful game. it had flaws and room for improvement. instead of gradually adding to the game they had a complete overhaul that killed it.

Do you have already-submitted Tickets to eRepublik Team with suggestions for game improvement? What you wrote about, if isn't it secret?
А: I've written many tickets to admin about multiple accounts, f[censored for admin]ed up MPP's, everything. however I'm not a well known player, I don't control a big nation and I don't shout loudly

so? no answer?
А: so no answer or "more proof please".....provide proof........."more proof please"........provide proof..........."we have the situation in hand thanks for contacting us

I can see that you fighting for morality and justice. It is good. Don't you afraid that It's not practical no more?
А: I'm not fighting for morality and justice

not? ):
А: Russia helped eSK out when no-one else would. I merely returned a favour

so it was a good deal from Russia and now you help us. right
A: Mogaba's article that got into the top 5 pretty much covered why I fought in Siberia. An act of kindness was repaid.

but you are play for small nations right? so you don't wоnt to be a part of the big 'aren't pure and clean' alliances? right
A: I've always been a small nation guy. big nations tend to be clique and you tend to feel like a drone or a cog in a machine.

So how long you going to help us? to Russia
А: I'll always be pro-russian. but there's not much I can do alone

yes.. against them..
A:and I also have to look to my new home in eNZ and making sure that it remains safe from either alliance

Why in your opinion Russia is stuck in such situation? And how can we survive? What you advise we need to do?
A: EDEN/BRO did well at the end of V2 and made great use of the Timezone factor to take some key lands from Russia. that gave them a big economic lead over you and PHX

you're right
А: with this version being all about gold then that economic advantage + the Polish fake gold and the Romanian savings from doing nothing for got trampled. the change in the MPP rules was what broke the dam. after that there was no defense...Those same MPP rules mean that a succesful RW has less chance of leading to you regaining your nation as Pol? Rom can just gun up on you again. so you can either

1.Wage unrelenting economic warfare on your occupiers in the hope that things (admin) change
2. Quit
3. Move to one of the new nations and rebuild there

А: but that's all goning to be up to your leaders really

Ok. How do you feel about the past conquests of the Russian empire? Attack on USA, occupation of Finland, pass Poland through? Was it wrong? or it was a call. Did you fought with Russia then?
A: I almost exclusivly fight in defense of regions. I didn't fight in the invasions

so no?
A: It passed me by. It used to be

What is Fun for you? in eRepublik?
A: Now its more hanging around hoping for a miracle. I'm getting back into Cybernations so I might end up playing over there and 2 clicking here. I went inactive in CN as it became unbalanced. now the situation is reversed somewhat

Ok. Anyway we are grateful to You that you hold back the EDEN's onslaught and fought with Russia. Thank You!

But you are become an enemy of EDEN. How you feel? You are almost alone against the whole alliance. Don't you scared? if someone will hunting you?
А: I'm not bothered by EDEN. They label me as an enemy according to their anti😛HX views. at the end of the day they can't actually kill me so................

they can ban? no?
A: re-start, buy gold, tank a region. repeat

for you it is really easy ))
A: yep. I have little attachment to my character

We are very interesting what you know about Ukraine? You started RW in Podolia and we are won! It is really big Victory for Ukraine you even dont know how many did for ukrainian people. Thank you very much! But what was your goal here?
A: It was a long-term thing. basically close the romanian corridor to russia. tank the romanian regions with winnable RW's elsewhere. and put Romania back in its box

Did you know that current president of eUkraine Vigil Vox was in cahoots with Romania? As he said they back Podolia 'for nothing' to Ukraine, but of course there was some 'things'... such as swap to Russia and who knows what else... Official Army Orders was only training durring swap and waiting for a romanian MoD's order for reverse swap. But you started first and we supported your battle. Now Vigil using the fact that Podolia returned to Ukraine tries to show it as his own and his command's merit, as a goodness of Romania too. So still you think that did the right thing? Thank you, again, but the situation is really 'dirty' ...
A: I couldn't be helping the PHX side when they were PTOing my home. I was awre pre-RW that Ukraine and Romania were . I did it for my own reasons towards my own goals. I had no contact with any Ukrainian officials. and Romania certainly wasn't freeing it as they fought on the defenders side......not too hard

you just gave us our regions as a gift?
A: To Ukraine it can be seen as a gift

(: thank)
А: had I been allowed to carry my plan through tho' - Romania would of asked Ukraine to be allowed through again.

How you think as now will regards to Ukraine at the international space? and how we are, who don't voted for Vigil, can save our reputation? What you advise we must do with a traitors as Vigil Vox?
A: You are ocurrently on the winning side. Аnd people won't forget what happened so for better or worse Ukraine should stay under Romania's wing if it wants to survive

I don't think that it's good.. be on the winning side with our enemy...
А: your enemy is the only one who can protect you from your 'friends' revenge
A: it s[censored for admin]s for those who don't like Romania but the decision has already been made

many people dont supported this steps...
А: but many did - they elected the guy who made the decisions

ok... So.. a few simple questions else, please) Why did you decide to develop NZ? And what you going to do next in the game?
А: I moved to eNZ as I needed to get away from eSK. As it seems to be turning into a mini-America. I'm probably just going to kick back and 2 click till something fun happens in the game.
so you don't think to quit game yet?
А: I'll not quit. I have enough houses in stock to live a year without logging in

Can you already describe a contingent gathered there? Do you like your new neighbors?
A: As for what's in eNZ...........I can't really answer. The start-up group came from the BRO nations and now we're getting some from the PHX nations. So it's cries of dictatorship, PTO, etc.... at the moment. If you're not an English speaker and you don't sign-up to the forums and follow the orders of the 'provisional' government then you are a PTOer

Also I think everyone want know how make one's pile in eRepublik? it's for a new players who want to be as Alfa)
A: don't be greedy, plan long-term, set the trends and play the market off them. The game has changed so much that I'm not sure it's possible to follow the path I did. I spent no money for about 2 weeks. turned my wages into gold. Started a grain company, ran it well with the long term re-coup of costs in mind. Built from there

I have written one more question. It is last) Who you are in a Real Life?
A: I'm from Cornwall in the UK and I'm an Technician/Engineer. That's all

ok) Thank for your answers and all you doing) Hail Alfa)
A: nais talking to you

Article written by Michelle Freebird.

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