Interview with Ahsan Shahbaz- Operator of the ePakistani Radio

Day 1,679, 18:12 Published in India USA by India101

Recently we had an interview with operator of the official ePakistani Radio. Here it is! Be sure to read it all.

Nation of Ahsan Shahbaz

Nation of Interviewer- India101

India101: What inspired you to host ePakistani radio?

Ahsan: Well, I enjoy music and I wanted a medium which will provide a source of entertainment, information and news to our ePakistani community and International community. ePakistani Radio gives us a medium to communicate through the airwaves over the Internet.

India101: What does this ePakistani Radio offer?

Ahsan: This ePakistani Radio offers rich music, discussions over politics and news of what is happening in the world of eRepublik.

India101: Is the radio exclusive to ePakistani's only?

Ahsan: Radio is for everyone we do not want it to be bound by national boundaries. However since it is primarily ePakistan's initiative and enjoys the status of ePakistani official radio so you can expect some content which will relate to ePakistan

How long have you lived in Pakistan?

Ahsan: I have lived all my life in ePakistan never changed the citizenship.

India101: What is your attitude towards Indo-Pak Relations in erepublik?

Ahsan: I am a journalist when it comes to radio, I would like to promote good relations. However I believe that the past may come in the way of this. Both sides need to build a strong relationship with each other.

India101: Do you think that ePakistan and eIndia can ever be allies?

Ahsan: Why not ? I dont see any harm in it

As an ePakistani, do you see your country progressing?

Ahsan: Well, it is progressing we need to sort somethings out but overall our country is going in the direction it should. That's my opinion which I have made based on my 3 year experience in this game

What is your advice to newbies?

Ahsan: Stay Active, use IRC and learn the game well understand it's mechanics. Seniors are here to teach you so follow their advice and you should be good.

India101: How do you feel about ePakistani's coming to eIndia?

Ahsan: I feel sad I think they should have sorted it out internally. However I can not comment on a individuals own decisions. I hope they enjoy their stay in India.

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