Interview mit Serban_b (Swiss Union for Advancement)

Day 1,140, 22:42 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Thomas J. Templeton

Good morning eWorld. Today we got another 2 interviews which we reproduce without work up. You know many cooks spoil the soup so we do not process sentences. Thus, the neutral ..........But we're still missing the anwsers from MasterDi, Blackhawk999 and ljubichica96........

And now read this interview because the clock is ticking. 😉

My name is Thomas J. Templeton, and here is our guest:

First Serban_b please......

"I know about your initiative about the newspaper. I think it is very interesting and Swiss need this. I wish you much success in the future, I love seeing new people involving.

Fact: Do you agree with a payment of 2,300 CHF from the state treasury in Swiss Confederation Bank? This bill was adopted with 15 votes to 13.

"Disagree from a single ground. Do not talk about the law itself although we could develop more on this topic, it is clear that Clifford and Walther want to control the Swiss economy and for the moment they do that. SCB don’t represent the current government; have not said why they need this money and what they want to do with them. Any responsible member of Congress should not approve such a proposal."

1) They are also convinced that it will help the Swiss economy later on?

Ought to make this donation later time. The reality is that this donation will only help them to retain control of the Swiss economy.
Any government would be unable to do anything for the economy without the help of Clifford and Whalter."

2) Will you run for election as President of Switzerland?

"Sure, this month I am the only viable solution. People must know who are the others candidates, I will let my actions speak for me. Milanlazetic and Mony CRO is serbian PTOer, both sustain by Koza Nostra party. BlackHawk999 just PTO SLP, I still don’t know who supported him. You can’t see them anywhere, they not communicate. I am here 24/7 helping as much as I can. I’ve made many good things and more will come."

3) What are your personal goals in politics?

"I think every politician in eWorld want to be president of his country. I am ready for this and I am the best option, after this a vector for opinion and a pillar of normality."

4) What goals do you hope to achieve with your party?

"We want to be one of the pillars of democracy in eSwiss. Currently we are the first party as number of members and congress seats. We must keep these two things, I think it is harder to stay where we are than to get here."

"Thank you for your honest answers, Mr. Serban_b. We wish you and your party every success in your goals and remain with best regards.

Thank you to, is an admirable initiative, keep up the good job. I am sorry for my late response and see you in election day."