Interview #7: Reaktionaer and Bass Junkie, High Councillors for Strategy

Day 1,098, 15:50 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Chetan Zapato

Hello readers,

Last time we met the High Councillors of Organization, today, however, we meet with the High Councillors of Strategy, Reaktionaer and Bass Junkie! Although our nation and our military is young, and we are constantly changing, here are some insights on our current leaders 😃. I feel my questions might be inadequate or uniformed but as a regular citizen unaware of how politics and governmental organization is run in eRep, it is a good learning experience for any new babyboomers.

Chetan: What is your official title/position?
Bass Junkie: I am the military advisor within Calbe's cabinet at eNew Zealand.
- Member of the Military High Council
- Army PCO (might change soon 😉

Chetan: How long have you been in eRepublik?
Bass Junkie: Almost one and a half years.
Reaktionaer: I was born on January 2nd this year and spent my whole eLife in eGermany until New Zealand popped out of nowhere. I immediately grabbed my rubber duck and swam across the pacific.

I also grabbed my rubber duck, Captain Mori and came over duing the night...

Chetan: What's your greatest accomplishment?
Bass Junkie: Making Rowan Quigley cry.
Reaktionaer: Probably working on the reformation of the german armed forces (before v2), we set up a commune system and reorganized our branches to increase our coordination in battles. It went really well and was quite some fun, unfortunately we're back to the wallsystem now 😃

Chetan: How do you like eNZ?
Bass Junkie: eNZ is by far the best country in the world, and is an emerging super-power.
Reaktionaer: Awesome, a lot of smart, experienced and friendly guys. Since it's my first longer trip abroad it's quite interesting to see all the different approaches to achieve a goil. I think there's much to learn 😉

Chetan: Can you briefly describe our Military's chain of command?
Bass Junkie: Chain of command is best attained from the logistics advisors - I advise on strategic matters.
Reaktionaer: Well, our Defense Forces seem to reorganize more often than I change my underwear, but basically:

Commander-in-Chief: Prime Minister
Military High Council
Chief of Defense Forces
Branch Officers
Might change slightly soon 😉

Chetan: As far as strategy is concerned, which ecountries would be beneficial for invasion and which countries do we want allies in.
Bass Junkie: It's no secret that I like the potential of invading eAustralia, the economic benefits for both nations would be amazing.
Reaktionaer: As of right now this is more a question of politics, we don't want to end up in either superalliance, but we need MPPs to get fights, of course. Thus we signed alliance with USA and Serbia, which are really strong allies.
Looking at the map which countries we border, you can do the math which regions are beneficial to our economy but it's the CP / congress' decision which steps we will take 😉

Chetan: What would be the steps taken if we were invaded?
Bass Junkie: I'm afraid I can't give any details on our strategies, but I can say that after analysing our numbers, no-one would be silly enough to invade.
Reaktionaer: Go nuclear. And get rid of lazy congressmen because considering the amount of time needed to get a decision we wouldn't have shot a single round until all of NZ was already taken 😉
Well I think right now we don't have to fear an invasion, we have lots of soldiers under weapons and strong allies, we are no easy target.

Chetan: Is there any plan to fortify any of our 4 regions? which one and why?
Bass Junkie: There is no need to fortify one particular region, and it would be counter-productive to our security. The benefit of having a fortress region is experienced in large nations that are able to set up buffer zones with no population. Due to our geographical layout, this is not possible.
Reaktionaer: No, all of our regions border foreign countries, and we don't have enough citizens that it would make a difference (in attack cost).

Chetan: Are there plans to create platoons based on weapons preference? What are your takes on the whole weapon concept (tanks beat guns, etc,)?
Bass Junkie: Again this is something that is best answered by logistics, however I will note that all the weapons are exactly the same, there is no reason to keep them separate as all troops will be using the cheapest weapon with the highest damage.
Reaktionaer: Not really, sooner or later admins will eventually merge the different weapons, since we're back to pure strength instead of weapon skills. Looking at dmg output, it makes absolutely no difference which weapon you use.
There are other things we consider, like mobility, time zones, strength, maybe IRC presence etc.

This rock-paper-scissors doesn't apply anymore, it's basically the good ol' v1 wall split into minibattles with fake pvp (you actually don't fight an enemy, its randomly generated). You just hit the button and deliver your damage. Which is actually good for people who don't want to spend hours on erepublik and much easier to coordinate.

Which weapon to choose...?

Chetan: Any message for eNZ?
Bass Junkie: Mount up boys, it's Aussie killing time.
Reaktionaer: Invite all your friends to this lovely place, we need more worker drones and loyal soldiers. Also, bring more Ferde to satisfy Herr Seidel ;o)

Well here we are readers. We might not be a powerforce and it might not be beneficial for us to have our own wars yet, but even if odds are mounted against us, with good allies and strong players, we can survive. Hopefully, it wont come to that; we aren't a juicy target and we aren't offending anyone. A training war with Australia will hopefully give us a good relationship and have economic benefits too 😃. Till next time readers, with Andy Costello, Minister of the IRC!!

Duckies are cool 😛