Interview 6: Ivanmiletic and kyle321n, High Councillors for Organisation

Day 1,095, 13:10 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Chetan Zapato

Our War Sheep

Hello everyone!

I apologies for this late issue, technical difficulties involving complicated press matters I don't understand prevented the publishing of this issue yesterday.

On the bright side, today we have...The High Councillors for Organisation Astonishing Double Interview; A Spectacular Insight on the Military High Council!!!!!!!

*catches breath*

With War being fundamentally what drives the eRep economy, the Military High Council (or War Ministry as i like to think of it 😛 ) is by extension equally important. As a relatively small nation, we should not only want leaders who know what they are doing but we should get to know them. Here i present, Ivanmiletic and kyle321n!!!

Chetan: What is your official title/position?
Ivanmiletic: At the moment military is on stand by, we are waitng for Calbe to make arrangements... It's not offical yet but i should be part of MoD team...
kyle321n: I have 2 titles, I'm a member of the Military High Command and I'm the Commander of the New Zealand Defense Force.

Chetan: How long have you been in eRepublik?
Ivanmiletic: March 16 2009.
kyle321n: Over 2 years now, 770 days to be specific. AKA: Way too long.

Chetan: What's your greatest accomplishment?
Ivanmiletic: I'm proud on the thing that i have been commander of White Eagles (Serbian paramilitary unit) for a long time, probably the golden age of the unit, at the time Draxtor and me were commanders we got seats in Hungary war room, Phoenix war room and White Eagles were most active and recognized paramilitary unit in eWorld...
kyle321n: Wow, I'm going to break that down into 3 different categories.

a) Greatest military accomplishment: Freeing Iowa from the Irish right before the end of V1 and getting my Resistance War Hero medal. That was cool.

b) Greatest political accomplishment: Being elected the first ever Speaker of the House in the eUSA in February '09. That was a great honor.

c) Being named the CoNZDF. It instilled in me the feeling that all my military accomplishments weren't going for naught and reinvigorated me. In the US I felt like a pawn who had this great knowledge of the past and how things work, but I was unable to use it. Now I'm able to use my know how to help build the nation.

Chetan: How do you like eNZ?
Ivanmiletic I really like it. I am happy because this is my new country, eNZ have prosperity. I wait when we start work together, e-time is "e-money" 🙂
kyle321n: It's been pretty awesome. I got to say even though there's so much diversity everyone seems to get along. I've noticed some old grudges come up, but let's be honest that was going to happen anyway.

Chetan: There currently isn't any military funding to my knowledge, what are the current proposals for funding are that seriously being considered?

Too much to hope for?

Ivanmiletic: We are still in process of establishing Army, we will talk about funds when we make hierarchy and units...
kyle321n: The military should be getting communes set up shortly and receive ~45 gold a week. We'll be using that to make food for our troops and all that good stuff.

Chetan: Putting aside the neutrality issue, are there any real candidates (neutral countries) being considered for invasion, like the eAustralia or eChile scenario being spread around the forums, either soon or in the foreseeable future?
Ivanmiletic: Well, we dont have army yet its a little bit early to think about invasions, we are ready only to defend...
kyle321n: That's kind of up to the foreign affairs nerds Realistically I don't think we should be attacking anyone until we have our military fully set up and know what kind of damage we can do. Also I don't think our allies would support our expansion this early in our existence.

Our current Military might?:

Chetan: Should we see Poland's embargo against us as a warning of a probable attack in the future? What steps are being made to prevent/counter this?
Ivanmiletic: That embargo is a pure nonscence, if they have spend 2 minutes thinking about it they would probably realised that that decision has no point... WE are smart enough and ready enough to prevent that.
kyle321n: I wouldn't believe so. Again I know the Foreign Affairs department is dealing with this, but I think they saw us as a Serbian colony, but that's clearly not happened.

Our angry Sheep

Chetan: Any message for eNZ in general?
Ivanmiletic: WE came to eNZ in peace as you can see, as long as we work toghether we can make great progress...
There were stories that we are here to PTO eNZ, i was even banned for irc channel(Myles) before elections, as i said time shall speak in my name...
Same guy who was telling stories(Serbs are worst thing that could ever happen in eNZ) left eNZ and his congress position (Myles) to go to Russia and help EDEN in PTO...

kyle321n: You stay classy. Also join the NZDF Do it now and be part of an unstoppable force!

Ivanmiletic answered me about a few days before Kyle321n and with the publishing time delay, a few changes might have already happened. I asked 2 additional questions which Ivanmiletic could not have answered due to this time difference yet here are Kyle321n's answers:

Chetan: As a member of the Military, i have seen that platoons have been deleted and members transferred, are there any more plans to change the platoons to more stable forms or based on weapons?
kyle321n: We're currently re-organizing, and figuring out what exactly the best way to run things are. We're a work in progress but by the end the week we should be at 100% operation capacity and we may even have some deployments!

Chetan: How can members of the military rise in rank(not ingame but within eNZ) and what are these ranks?
kyle321n: Well currently there's a few ranks that people can move up to from Private. Under the new system we're going to have 2 people at the top of each Regiment, and then above them we'll have 4 people right below me. The main way to move up will be to go through Officer's Training in the Training Division. This will allow us to see that you are motivated and able to pass the rigors of being an officer in the NZDF.

Well, since I am a member of the army, i was really interested in our Military. It is inspiring to see that the higher-ups are from diverse backgrounds. I was worried when rumors of the PTO came out and even now i don't like it when any eNZ citizen represent any non-eNZ State, but i am glad that our differences don't prevent a united eNZ. We may not be able to attack anyone soon, but one day, every other country will look at our incoming army and think:

Well, join us next time for another double feature with the High Councillors for Strategy!!! And don't forget to thank Ivanmiletic and kyle321n for their efforts in out country.

BTW, sorry for all the sheep pictures, they were too good to pass up!

Chetan Zapato