Interpreting the Battle Statistics (UPDATED)

Day 614, 14:25 Published in USA USA by Kaan the Great
A big thank you goes to Eugene Harlot for including this article in his Take Back the Media section of the DOD Battle Orders. It's brought me quite a few subscribers and quite a few votes. Since people keep landing here I will provide for the sake of convenience an updated link to my latest article here: Day 618: Contreversy and Victory. Now on to the main article:

I just tabulated the battle stats so far from the US vs. Russia war. The numbers you get when you click on the details button next to the war banner. I came to some interesting conclusions:

1- Overall we are doing more damage. All of PEACE combined fought 339,931 fights and did 11,779,509 damage to FORTIS/EDEN' 335,044 fights and 12,323,244 damage. Now I'm no expert, but this indicates that we could be doing much better.

2- As a whole, we do more damage per fight. The average FORTIS/EDEN fight nets 36.78 damage to PEACE's 34.65. This means either that our players are of higher rank and strength or more likely that as a whole we've been tanking more than PEACE.

3- The scene changes when we look at individual countries. eUSA did an avarage of 36.81 damage, well below Indonesia's 50.08. America has been going head to head with Indonesia in total damage at 5,559,547 against their 5,666,700. Either American players are all really low level or we haven't started serious tanking.

Now for some interesting but useless factoids.

Of all involved countries Switzerland did the most damage per fight at a whopping 80,65 per fight followed by Sweden (63.69) and Norway (54.7😎. All top three hitters are from FORTIS/EDEN

Amongst the PEACE countries the top hitter is Italy with 52.65 followed by Indonesia (50.0😎 and Iran (43.49).


eR Time: 10.24 (Next Day)

Unfortunately I must eat humble pie. California was close but it looks like I under estimated the second PEACE wave. There were definitely troops involved besides Indonesians, I spotted some Hungarians and Turks but doubtless there were more. Though even in defeat we should hold our heads high, being American is reason enough to be proud.

eR Time: 16.26

The wall in California continues to rise in anticipation of a second Indonesian attack, and we are almost back in no mans land.

eR Time: 14.20

I'm calling a win for us in California. But before we break out the bubbly, lets keep fighting and see it through to the end. It seems the main Indonesian assault is over. As I am writing right now its 4.20 AM in Jakarta (/me hits the bong). But it seems reasonable to expect a second wave of Indonesian tanks in 3-5 hours so keep building that wall.

Love and Peace to you all,
and Fsck PEACE

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