InterParty Secretary Article: Important PLEASE read!

Day 539, 15:47 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

This is firstly to announce my role as InterParty Relations Secretary.

While many already know this, I would like to thank Scrabman for choosing me for this position. I have pushed interparty relations my entire e-life and am proud to have this position.

Secondly, and more importantly, I am here to announce the attempt to create a council for interparty relations to be hosted by

-The forum area would be unlocked to all so that all can see the topics and post any petitions they may have. At the same time, most topics will be locked so that those who are on the council can have (as moderators) undisturbed discussions on subjects. The council will only need be called into action when there is an issue to be resolved.

-The council will consist of one party member from a top 10 party that either is the Party President or someone of the Party President's choosing. I will head the council and represent the AAP. My job will simply be to facilitate the discussions and bring a head to discussions.

-The council will have no real, actual authority beyond the agreement of the parties involved. That is to say that this council's primary responsibility will be to ensure respectful dialogue between parties, to produce table talks for inter-party relations to help dismiss petty issues and focus on those that are worth discussing, resolving differences if possible.

Foremost, the job of this council will be to help unify our nation and help us not point our fingers at each other but at our worldwide international enemies. To focus our attentions on making the eUSA strong firstly and our individual parties second.

The name of this council will be the Jedi Council in order to remind everyone that while the job of this council is serious, they should not take their authority too seriously beyond the role of being moderators for interparty relations and concerns.

If you have any concerns about the platform or actions of Scrabman, I will remain the person to talk to directly via pm.

To go along with this, a gentlemans agreement will be offered for signature by Party President's every month at the beginning of the month that will be up for review and modification by the council (on and in a news article). Again, while this gentleman's agreement will have not direct authority, by word of honor, the agreement will state that...

"I, by signing this document, agree that I will aspire to lead my party towards respectful discussion, understanding, and the main goal that we all have of making our nation the greatest it can be. While the individual characteristics of my party needto be recognized and valued, personal slander of any person because of their viewpoints should be avoided.

Any person within my party that personally attacks another player for unnecessary causes, I will as Party President attempt to communicate with them displeasure at their unneccessary outburst which merely causes dissention and a deepening if the divide between fellow patriots and eUS citizens.

Together, I believe that we can make a stronger eUSA by having all parties represented and listened to. The eUSA is a big nation with many voices all vying for their place. A focus on what we believe instead of a focus on what is wrong with the other perspectives will help facilitate the many and varied discussion within our nation in game and in out of game areas."

While this agreement's wording is not yet set in stone something along these lines will be put forth for signing by the party president's as a symbol of the unity and belief that the eUSA is a nation that we can be proud to live in and live with each other in.

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President
InterParty Relations Secretary

Vote Aren Perry/Changewillcome for AAP Party President!