INFO: Looks like we got ourselves a neppons

Day 974, 15:54 Published in Norway Norway by Pressekontoret
70 years ago, real life Norwegian politician Vidkun Quisling betrayed his country and performed a coup d'etat by establishing a government collaborating with the nazi occupants. His actions made his last name appear as a noun in many languages, and most of the world now knows what 'a quisling' is. In eRepublik, it seems our country has harboured yet another candidate to create a noun with the similar meaning: a neppons.

Today, the president of eNorway Mr Gordon Gekko (aka neppons) decided to sell out eNorway and eSweden to Phoenix and attacked eSweden. Since all our MPPs were similar to Sweden's, eNorway's alliances were cancelled leaving us with none.
Following the first attack, the Swedish president retreats. Following this is a row of attack/retreats, obviously with the intent to erase Sweden and leave her regions occupied by MPP-less Norway.

Our president turned out to be a neppons. And Sweden's too. What their connection is remains to be seen.

The Bank of Norway, Forsvaret and our other vital government organisations are under Norwegian control. Likewise, our national forums are uncompromised. As the latest elected president before the Phoenix puppets, Cl4trap and Mr Gordon Gekko I will try to lead us through this turmoil. More information will follow.

The military module seems to be scruffy at the moment, but battle orders will be posted in Forsvarsnytt shortly, so if you can show up to convert tiles and fight - please do! We will be standing side by side with our Swedish brothers and sisters to get through this.

Acting president of eNorway