Indonesia vs eUSA

Day 1,198, 17:00 Published in Argentina Argentina by ToledoDG

Bueno hoy hay sido un dia de sorpresas y es un dia diferente en el que las palabras no sirvieron de mucho.

Hoy es un dia en el que las convicciones de la mayoria de los paises cayeron en las que se comprobo eUSA no es tan conscistente como se pensaba en el que se pudo comprobar que son un "dinosaurio". Y como dinosaurio estan a punto de extinguirse si no se bajan el orgullo y empiezan a hacer verdaderas movidas politicas en las que puedan recuperar el agrado mundial y la credibilidad de sus palabras.

Hoy es el dia de INDONESIA:

Si les gusto voten, suscribanse y compartanlo. Este no es mi articulo este es el suyo y pueden hacer lo que quieran con el.


English Version

Well today it was a day of surprises and is a different day in wich the words disnt helped a lot.


Today is a day on which the convictions of the majority of countries in which they thought were lost. Today its showed that eUSA is inconscistent and its a "dinosaur". " And dinosaurs are about to become extinct if they not lowered their pride and begin to make real political moves in which to recover the love of the eCountrys and the credibility of his words.

Today is the day of INDONESIA:

If you like it vote, suscribe, and share it. This isnt mi article this is yours and you could make whatever you like with it