Indonesia Says Goodbye to PEACE

Day 724, 18:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Stefan1992

A recent article by Wonder Forward, Indonesia's President, has stated that Indonesia is to leave PEACE effective immediately. Summarising what the article says, Indonesia feels like PEACE has achieved all the important goals it originally strived for. Indonesia, whose empire stretched from Australia to Russia, South Africa and Argentina, has as a result broken away from the alliance in which it was one of the founding members of. Indonesia wants to fulfill new goals, and while they are no longer a part of PEACE, they will always remember the bravery and friendship they have discovered through this long journey.

This has sent shockwaves across the entire world at news of one of the largest events to happen in the PEACE community. For several weeks, people have questioned the true power and stability of PEACE. Recently, Italy left the alliance, but the resignation of Indonesia was sudden and unexpected. Indonesia is one of the most powerful countries in the world, so PEACE's loss will appear to have a major dent in their abilities. The future of PEACE is yet to be written, so no one can confidently foresee what the ultimate outcome will be. Only time will tell.

I had recently talked to their deputy MoFA (who was the first to inform me of Indonesia's succession from PEACE). He told me that the relationship between the UK and Indonesia will remain strong. He said that if we, the UK ever need anything, Indonesia will be there for us. As Ambassador to Indonesia, I welcome their continued friendly and peaceful relationship. Indonesia is basically working solo, without the following of an alliance. However, this does not mean that all diplomatic relations will change. Just like with the UK, I am sure that Indonesia will remain close to other PEACE nations in the future.