Indonesia: Mutual Protection Pact with Romania

Day 145, 09:28 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by isnuwardana

(I'm trying to put a picture here, but currently it is bugged.)

New Party Presidents

All the Political Party in Indonesia are under new leadership since last Party Election on April 10th. Each of them have released their statements regarding their future plan for Erepublik of Indonesia.
Panca from NCS brought the upcoming war as his theme. Pembunuh from PKeI and blink-z from IDS will try to re-organise their party in their statement. Gagah from AGIP try to revitalise their vision, while hudiyawan from PRM brought a full set of policy, especially in economy as their statement.

Romania and Indonesia
Indonesia has signed a Mutual Protection Pact with Romania, symbolising a good relationship and understanding between both countries. However, Indonesia cannot enter the current war (or more precisely: Unification) of Moldova against Romania since it is only started just now. I hope this will improve Indonesian position in diplomacy. We thanks for President Titu, Minister Belea, and citizen n3m0 for realising this agreement.

Romanian Trade Tax

Continuing the news on Romania, as mentioned in Indonesian forum, there is an intensive talk from Indonesia and Romania about a Trade Agreement, as discussion came from Minister Belea and Bong regarding the trade tax. Most of us agree on making this Trade Agreement but now we are discussing on how much the trade tax will be.

Comments war

Although Indonesia will officially start the war tomorrow, war of comments coming from both sides happen in Australian media. It is something that inevitable though, but I hope both Australia and Indonesia understand what was really this war about.

Indonesia vs Australia

If my calculation is correct, by 00.10 tomorrow (or afternoon Indonesia/Australia time). The known battlefield currently is Queensland (Brisbane), but we shall see whether Northern Territory (Darwin) and West Australia (Perth) are also included. eIndonesia Military Forces will come to that place(s) and will fight against Australian Forces.

Presidential Seat
The following are Indonesian expenses up until now:
Bong (VAT restitution program) : 818.82 IDR
Weapon and Security
ABeRI: (1) 3000 IDR (2) 3500 IDR
War Proposal: 1414 Gold
Yayasan Sehat : 3000 IDR
[STAR] Hospital : (1) 100 gold (2) 2000 IDR
Indonesian Health Training Centre : 200 IDR
Some transactions included an extra charge for 1 gold used in transactions valued at dual-core rate of 30 IDR.
Current Indonesian treasury : 2,973.50 GOLD; 20,040.91 IDR

Inside Berita Sehat
I'm procrastinating again today ... have to do assignment ...and it is related to Waaaaaagh! (some people like to say that!)
Hmm, I miss the Grampians already.