Indonesia Invaded; More Tensions in EDEN

Day 848, 10:50 Published in USA USA by Myles Robinson
In This Article...
-Australia invades Indonesia, activating MPPs.
-Tensions in EDEN between Brolliance and EDEN Command and between USA and Poland/Croatia.
-Titanium changing things.
-USA Party Politics
-Myles Gripes About the South African Situation and also Hospital Rules

Australia Invades Indonesia

For the first time in the history of the New World, the Indonesian homeland has come under attack. Australia is leading the charge alone against seven MPPs that include Hungary, Brazil, the United Kingdom, and Russia among them. It was a bold move on the part of President Cerb, lauded by the Indonesian President for its daring. In fact, Indonesia stands much to gain from this. The nation started to fall from power after the United States successfully reclaimed California, the Crown Jewel of the Indonesian Empire, during the North American War. Followed by losses in Hawaii and the American invasion of liberation in Asia, the Indonesian Empire has been whittled away to nothingness. It has left the Oceanic nation struggling to find how to reassert itself and desperately trying to whip up a babyboom. The invasion of the Indonesian homeland could help with such efforts to increase interest and activity in the game.

Furthermore, now that Indonesia has MPPs activated against Australia, this has opened up the possibility of an invasion of EDEN nation to seize what are going to become incredibly valuable regions in V2-- Queensland and Western Australia, which shall become high titanium areas and thus very important for global war machines. The ascension of titanium to the global stage is going to change global military paths and strategies. Right now, military goals tend to revolve around controlling high iron, especially the iron-rich Chinese regions of Heilongjiang and Liaoning, which have been held hostage by PEACE/Phoenix for a long time and are currently occupied by Hungary and Serbia. Now, with high titanium playing a role, the nations of South Africa, Canada, Australia, and Russia will play an even more important part in world affairs. Russia will no doubt become further fortified and be the main source of fueling titanium in Phoenix's war machine, whilst Canada will likely have the same fortress role in the Brolliance.
South Africa, taken over by channers and surrendered to Phoenix nations led by Brazil, is going to suffer the same sort of hard fate that their ally in Sol, China, has been suffering for a year-- threat of constant occupation by the nations of Phoenix. Unable to successfully withstand invasion and occupation by Phoenix nations on their own, South Africa will (baring an incredible baby boom) need to coordinate with forces opposed to Phoenix to secure their nation, or be forced into diplomatic submission (having a few worthless territories thrown their way in exchange for allowing occupation of the titanium regions) as China was forced to do for months. Australia, given its weaker firepower than some of its allies and its location right next to Indonesia, will also be a little more difficult to secure, though should fare better than South Africa given their firepower and allied closeness to the United States, Canada, and EDEN.

Diplomatically, it should be noted, that Australia has been changed to Observer Status in Sol, ending their active membership in that alliance so that they can focus on EDEN obligations.

Australia stands to gain some from this invasion too. First, it has whipped up a lot of activity in Australia, for better or for worse for the Cerb administration. Second, it is now forcing EDEN to pay attention to affairs in Asia and Oceania as tensions between the three-member Brolliance and other EDEN nations continue to serge. EDEN will now be forced to become involved in the Oceanic theater or run the risk of losing Australia's titanium to Phoenix and rejuvenating the Indonesian Empire.

Tensions in EDEN
Following Phoenix's taking advantage of the channer take-over of South Africa, Australia embarked on its first-ever offensive war to liberate South Africa from Brazil and Argentina. While backed by Sol (including, very much so, Israel) and EDEN ally Greece, as well as troop mobilizations from nations like Ireland and Japan, the support from the eRepublik Defense and Economic Network seemed to be lackluster as EDEN high command focused on mostly European issues, leading to increased agitations in Australia at EDEN leadership.

Tensions have broiled over further over the past 24 hours between the United States and EDEN allies Poland and Croatia. The United States has been adamant about pursuing foreign policy goals in Asia--such as securing Karnataka (legally rented from India) from a Phoenix strike and continuing to position for assaults on Liaoning and Heilongjiang--but has been difficulty coordinating these with EDEN, which is being bogged down much in Europe (which is to be expected from a Euro-centered alliance). Yesterday, the United States launched attacks in Sindh while the rest of EDEN became very much focused in Slovenia, where fights very important to the security and goals of Poland and Croatia were taking place. President PigInZen has apologized for the lack of strategic cooperation, and has made his personal appeal both to the members of EDEN and the United States Congress (the latter which has been entertaining discussion on the merits of staying in EDEN) to remain united together in face of the threat posed by Phoenix. Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman NXNW has also issues a statement about the Sindh situation.

American Party Politics

In the clash of the Titans that was the America's Advancement Party race, the eUSA's wealthiest philanthropist/industrialist/politician Max McFarland II defeated main opponent Emerick and a slew of other power candidates that included everyone from Phoenix heavyweights GLaDOS, Zoli, and Mr Woldy to the unstoppable (orly?) Dan Wang to somewhat more "legitimate AAPer" candidates Emmanuel Cruise and Mercurius100. Pizza the Hut was also running and received over 7% of the vote, but he still will not accept my friend requests. Please feel free to shoot him a PM asking him to finally be my friend before he gets banned like Ajay and Winston before him.

Jude Connors remained on top in the USWP, Claire Littleton made a surprise return to the leadership of the Libertarians, Cromstar retained the presidency of the Democratic Republicans, and in the nicest to observe (for its lack of tons of spam ads and and articles) actual race, fingerguns beat kyle321n 124-103 for the presidency of the Federalists.

Now, with party presidents settled, campaign season for Congress has begun. With satisfaction of the United States Congress at an all-time low and many prominent politicians leaving the United States for other nations, and with MM2's promise to run an entire field of candidates, AND with the constant threat of over 100 Phoenix agents lurking in our nation to PTO a few seats, this congressional race is certain to be one of the most interesting in months.

Also, GLaDOS has British citizenship again, so that "threat" is gone. Mr Woldy has been liberated by the Brits too, which makes me very sad as he wasn't even put on display yet in the National Zoo. 🙁

Editorial (Opinion) - South Africa
In a show of unity and respect, leaders of Phoenix and EDEN posted a topic expressing indignation over the channer takeover of South Africa and expressing solidarity against the channers, stating that it is wrong for players to be treated poorly by such a malicious group. Then, the Phoenix media machine pumped out an article essentially retracting the criticism of the channers in order to make them not seem as hypocritical as they really are when they encouraged Brazil and Argentina to completely conquer South Africa for the soon-to-be titanium regions, taking advantage of the channer take over to accomplish this. This is not right and not fair. I hope Phoenix takes the high road and "resets the game" by giving South Africa a nice do-over and attacking them fairly, without channer influence. As Phoenix doesn't tend to do things like this, I hope the channers go after you all again next and start screwing some of you over.

South Africa, I wish you well and hope that we can do whatever we can to right this wrong.

Angry Dolphin Section

Admins, the new hospital rule sucks, it really does. Nations can no longer berserk in battles, and poor people who can't afford houses or high-q food all the time are going to be struggling often now to ever reach 100 wellness without have to fork over extra cash for gifts. I don't like it.
In other news, the new military module looks interesting. I'll need to see more before I decided to go Angry Dolphin on it or not.

In summation, Ajay should be my friend.

~Myles Robinson~
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