Indian Business Group update [BroodRoosterNL]

Day 671, 12:58 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL
First of all, everyone needs to know that this is not ArjaaAine's business group. This is the Business Group set up by me about 1,5 week ago. For more info please read this article about it.

Soon we will come up with a name so there will not be any confusion with Arjaa's project anymore.

Now, why this article? This article is to let you all know that today we had the first serious meeting with most of the managing people. We have worked through a couple of points and made the first decisions. We have some great people working together and I am sure that this will be a huge success. It may take some time before we can start projects in India, but there are a lot of long term projects which turn out to be great in the end. So please just be patient.

Next, we are always looking for people who can invest. If you are interested in investing in our project, please contact me. I do have to say that we are not looking for any more people to manage, only investing money. Of course you will get your money back with interest, soon we'll get you a detailed scheme about how much profit we can offer for which amount of Gold. Don't worry, it'll be good!

So, that's the update for today. If your interested, please keep following this newspaper (it's easier if you click the subscribe button at the top right corner). And remember, it's for the benefit of India!

Thank you very much,
