India stand United Against Serbia!!!!!!!!

Day 875, 16:30 Published in India India by W.Morris

It seems that India will face some impossible odds with a war with Serbia. And we realize how important this war is, and we realize how we act in this war is going to influence the future of India. But we are confident that we will win this war! How can you be confident that this war will end in your favor, you ask. Well I will sum it up for you!

1. We have some great allies such as Sweden, USA, Canada, Malaysia, and Australia that will deliver a punch on the battle field.
2. We have are friends with Sol, eden, and the brolliance
3. I have already received messages from people all around the world who are going to leave their jobs and countries to fight for India.
4. We may be small but we are united, I would rather have a small united army than a large non-united army any day

There is old saying "You can have the choice between war and dishonor." And we chose the honorable method unlike Phoienix with there PTO attempts. And let me ask you this you seem so sure that you will win, why did you have to wait for India to declare war on you?

So all congressmen vote yes on this Bill!!!!!!!!!

Here is a modified Churchill quote, for India!

"We shall defend our land whatever the cost may be; we shall fight on beaches, landing grounds, in fields, in streets and on the hills. We shall never surrender and even if, which I do not for the moment believe, this land or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the Indian Fleet, will carry on the struggle until in God's good time the New World with all its power and might, sets forth to the liberation and rescue of the Old."

So good luck to all our troops out there!

All Indians Over sea's now is the time to come home!

All People Of India ask your friends to move to India to help us fight!

All people of the world, we are asking you to come to our aid, lets show Phoenix the biggest upset that has and will ever happen in erepublik!!!!

Here is our wars theme music!!!!!!!!! (just switch the federation, with India)

Here is a big Jai Hind