In the New World....War is Heaven

Day 1,196, 16:33 Published in Canada Australia by McMatty

With the recently proposed Natural Enemy Law by eIndo against eUSA, it looks like we may see an end to the temporary lull we have all been experiencing as an Epic war is on the horizon. .

eCanada has been without a worthwhile battle since the peace agreement with the eUK began and we have dealt with this the only way we know how, fighting with each other.

This natural enemy proposal has a wider array of implications besides putting the constant eCan civil wars on the back burner. eIndo has positioned themselves as a valuable member of NWO and is the only true and viable gateway into the eUSA. (Admin had created a bridge through Hawaii in their last border changes) Beyond what could be seen as the first real test of the PANAM alliance, the future is looking quite interesting with a seemingly endless number of questions that will need to be answered.

- Where does eCanada factor in as we do not have an active MPP with eUSA? (The MOC has stated that they are looking into renewing the MPP)
- How much support will the eUSA get from its new allies?
- How will this affect the markets both locally and world wide?
- Will this turn into another World War?
- What is EDEN’s stance on this war?
- Will the NWO make it to eCanadian borders?
- Will this lead to eCanada becoming a full fledge member of PANAM? (and leave EDEN)
- Will this expedite eRussia’s plan to join PANAM?
- Will we be able to fend off the initial attack and push forward through eIndo?

As you can see, there are a lot of questions that have yet to be answered. This in no doubt, make the upcoming days extremely exciting.

Wise mean in the real world have stated that "war is hell".


"This is the new world, and in this world……War is Heaven".

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