In the event of occupation: Guide to Resistance War Mayhem

Day 758, 14:54 Published in Australia Australia by Aeros

While your allies have got your back all the way and we are going to do everything we can to prevent Australia from getting wiped, it’s a good idea to always plan two steps ahead. That includes planning for the worst case scenario. In this situation, that scenario would be a total Brazilian occupation of Australia. No doubt Governments can plan for these eventualities, but Resistance Wars are really the purview of the general population. The Government just points the masses in the right direction. In order for a Resistance War to be successful (like Spain and Canada’s) the citizenry needs to stay dedicated to their cause. To that end, this is the brief summarized manual of Resistance Warfare in eRepublik. General education use only! No doubt you all will not need it.


The Government should make sure every citizen is issued with at least 2 moving tickets if the situation begins to look like it could result in occupation. The first ticket will come with an explanation for its use; move to the occupying countries hospital region and stand by for instructions. Additional tickets needed for other things can be obtained by the citizen during the economic sabotage phase.


Foreword Operating Bases (FOB’s) are Weapons and Resource companies operated by the occupied countries militaries. The eUS Military established numerous FOB’s in Central Greece during the North American War. The high skilled soldiers worked at minimum wage to produce weapons that were used to arm the war effort. This effort also came at no tax benefit to the occupying nations. Since Soldiers tend to be the most active members of a countries population, they can be relied on to move back to the occupation zone to fight in resistance battles, and then return to the FOB whenever an operation concludes.


This falls into general trolling, but was highly effective for the Spanish during the French occupation. Media Spamming basically means to raep the occupying countries media legally. Create propaganda articles, vote them up. Create more propaganda articles, vote them up. Tell your allies to vote them up as well. Get every occupied citizen to write an article, and vote them up. Nobody in Brazil will be able to get a word in edge wise. As soon as your article moves to page 2 of the New Topics, make a new Article. And I am saying "write" as a loosely worded term. For a ideas on what constitutes good place holder articles, I urge you all view the eUS news for inspiration, Just click "Latest News".


Always try to coordinate the start of a resistance battle with friendly countries that may be willing to assist. If a resistance war is successful, you may need to get some MPP’s signed in a hurry. Additionally, the province to be freed should be strategically placed in a manner that provides enough attack options to hold initiative should you choose to re-declare war. In most cases however, it is advisable to resistance war back more than a single territory before considering a conventional offensive. Spain liberated their entire nation unconventionally, while Canada retook half by Resistance war before conventionally attacking the rest.


This requires constant spam of resistance wars to insure all the occupied Citizens have a battle available to fight down to minimum wellness. Once under 50 Wellness, occupied citizens should obtain jobs in the hostile country and work. This can cause serious damage to enemy companies and hurts the overall economy.


This method of Sabotage is more effective if you gang up on one company. If they have more then one job offering, get a few buddies and hit it all at once. Bonus points if you can nail the company again the next day.


This is the nuclear weapon of the Resistance War, but is highly effective in making a country decide it’s not worth it to keep things going. Baby Killing is the process of deliberately sabotaging a countries efforts to retain new players by making them quit the game. Spain did this during Frances’ baby boom, which occurred simultaneously with their resistance war. The Body count was over 15,000 noobs, and is accomplished through the Media Spam and Economic Sabotage.

Media Baby Killing is done by creating articles giving bad advice in the language of the occupying country. Things like saying “You can use the hospital from any region, so go ahead and fight” to encouraging noobs to use their 20 gold and buy a Q1 grain company in a medium grain region; basically, encouraging the enemy’s new players to do everything that would ordinarily be strongly discouraged.

The other process is setting up trap companies offering good wages at skill 0-2 but not keeping any stock. The noobs cannot work, and though they could choose to resign they may not necessarily do so, or realize they can. This is generally something done by Q1 shops, and is not as effective as the Q3-Q5 shops, who offer minimum wage jobs to Noobs. A new player without access to a hospital should NEVER work at a Q5 company, for obvious reasons. After just 3 days when they can leave, they will have lost 15 wellness. If they don’t leave, they will be pretty much ruined wellness wise when it comes time to fight. The enemy country is then forced to invest money to save their life. Instead what usually happens is the noob rage quits.

As a note, Baby Killing is considered bad for the game. In my humble opinion however, forcibly keeping an entire country occupied inevitably results in the same thing. With that in mind I have no complaints about these methods in the event of a total wipe out.


Holding regions is very hard if the occupied country is unwilling to surrender. Brazil right now is winning because they are investing their national treasury in the fight, and that means their resources have an upper limit. A continually sustained Resistance War can be just as expensive in tanking as a normal campaign, and inevitably Brazil will be forced to go to Phoenix hat in hand for money. Combine that with the above mentioned activities, it just becomes too much to handle. Since Brazil is evenly matched with Australia, they will be unable to hold the country without foreign assistance. Cause enough mayhem, and they will eventually break. Another good thing to remember is that Resistance Wars can be fun! Many Canadians started their own home grown resistance groups, complete with banners and mottos. It can actually be a method of maintaining player retention, and getting new players to join the game. Just make sure you don't step on the toes of official operations as you go about things.