In Our Final Hours: Do Not Evacuate Yet

Day 614, 22:44 Published in North Korea Japan by TheReverendSeanV

Dear countrymen, it is with a grim expression and a heavy heart that I write this. North Korea has been a great country, we staved off a PTO or two, got a Q5 hospital, and had more than a few laughs, but all good things do come to an end. Right now there is a battle in Hwangae, and by all means fight, I have and will tommorow, but North Korea could fall very shortly. On this eve of our possible destruction there is a very angry Russia trying to make us pay for leading an offensive against them. The offensive stalled Russia and allowed our US allies to regain the offensive at the time, this move was then taken up by our Norweigan friends.
"Was it successfull? Was it worth it?"
I'm not a general, and the war is far from over, but I do know this: In the face of nearly world-wide conquest, it was a matter of time before we faced some measure of coercive action by the PEACE GC, whether it be through threats of violence, economic ruin, or political overthrow. The decision to be of some use in this war, to go big or go home, was not made lately by some foolhardy few. It was a discussion by many prominent leaders of this country, some who have hundreds of gold invested in this country. While it is regrettable that we didn't come out okay on this, and we now essentially face destruction, it's not as though we didn't know the risk we were taking.

So no more worries and complaints over what will become of this country, what we have built and are leaving behind. To people who would rather dwell on what is being lost, rather than how to avoid being trapped, I have to ask: Do you think that I didn't put time and gold into this country? I put more in than most of those bellyaching, and my efforts don't even come close to MANY in City Party. The time to look foward is now, more than ever before.

"But what do we do? Where do we go? Do you guys even have plans?"

Evacuation plans are being made now by City Party, because if we don't leave now, we will be caught in Russia when citizenship goes live, and then it'll be a bigger issue to leave than before. So what do I ask of you all?
-Stay put in North Korea, there is a plan
-Fight in Hwangae as best as possible, this isn't over yet
-Use to sign up for tickets. Message Scy Fye if you have questions.
-Wait for orders on evacuation, and then follow them in a timely fashion