Day 475, 08:18 Published in Romania Hungary by Laci.d

My Romanian friends! We have to protect our regions immediately.
Galicia is the last HIGH MATZA region of our glorious country! We have to defend it at all costs! Fight down your wellness to 30, buy wellness packages, do anything! Our HIGH MATZA region is really important to us! And now it is in big danger.

You can fight [url] [/url]here, soldier! The future of Romania is at your hands. Don’t forget to press the RED button!

If you pushed the RED BUTTON min. 5-6 times, you should see this battle too. [url] [/url] This is the last HIGH OIL region in Romania! Our enemies try to destroy our glorious country by such dirty tricks. Fight there too and press the RED button again to join our forces against the rebel scum.

Good luck, my friends.

Go Romania!

Go Atlantis!