Imploring the Citizens of Emerica

Day 461, 18:53 Published in USA USA by GMoney
Vote Smart

Many of you have noticed a number of negative publications about the Emerican Congress lately. While I personally feel that some people overreacted (was it really worth resigning over?), most people undoubtedly see a major issue. However, this issue can quite frankly be fixed with little difficulty. How, you may ask? By voting smart.

This Wednesday, February 25, don't just vote for someone because of their party affiliation. Don't vote for someone who you just think is your friend. Don't vote because someone offered you money.

Vote for who you think is best for the job. Vote for someone whose ideas you think benefit Emerica. Take the time to read through each candidate's presentation/platform. If a candidate didn't take the time to create one, he or she probably isn't worth your vote. If you have a question about a certain portion of a candidate's presentation/platform, take a minute to PM him/her and ask directly. I don't know about the other candidates, but I personally will be on the Emerican IRC channel most of the day (when I'm not in class or eating). If the candidate doesn't feel like answering your question, he or she probably isn't worth your vote. If you do choose to PM a candidate, give him/her a reasonable amount of time to answer before you make up your mind (granted if you're in a hurry and won't be on again later in the day, waiting isn't really an option).

Also, hold your elected officials accountable for their actions. If a candidate says one thing then goes back on his/her word, odds are you'd be better off not electing that person again.

In closing, take your time, use the resources available to you, think through your decision, and help fix the mess some Emericans believe the Congress has become