Ideas for the near future

Day 781, 10:07 Published in South Korea Belgium by Francis DeBoyle

As the theocrats leave South Korea for Spain, we need to have at least a rough plan about what to do when they leave. Here are my ideas for what to do in the near future:

1) Set up a poll to see how many active South Koreans we have - We need to know how many people we will have here and whether to try to get more people active here. We need to protect ourselves from potential attacks in the future for a secure, stable and democratic government.

2) We need to allocate government positions - Now that the theocrats are leaving we won't have an organised military, government or economy. We need to set up government positions so we can organise South Korea and make it more attractive for new players.

3) We need to start diplomatic relations with nearby countries - in order to ensure South Korea isn't conquered in the future, we need to have diplomatic relations with nearby nations as well as nearby global powers. We certainly need good relations with Japan, North Korea and China, as well as some relations with Russia, who we share a border with during this time of a world war.

That is all for now - please leave a comment with your ideas.

Francis DeBoyle