Idahoans- Johnny Roberts for Idaho

Day 672, 17:09 Published in USA USA by Johnny Roberts

I am announcing my run for congress to represent the great state of Idaho under Libertarian endorsement. My plans for congress:

Why Vote For Johnny Roberts?

I have been an active member of erepublik for six months now. I go on the eUS forums daily (if not hourly), and I have studied the Congress pages for weeks. I know why our income taxes are so high, and what the PANEC plan is. I understand the importance and expense of hospitals and defense systems. I am a respected, active, trusted, and experienced member of the community.

1) Helping Our Citizens and Country
2)Foreign Policy
3)Who am I?


- I support government run companies, but only when they do not interfere or compete with citizen owned companies.
- I do believe in lower taxes, and in truth, the taxes are supposed to be lower, but with the war going on, it is important the taxes stay high enough to support our military.
- Helping our country recover is going to be hard. We are not going to see ourselves go back to our normal, pre-war routine within the week. We will keep on fighting, until every other country that has experienced wrongs from PEACE as we did, is freed.

If elected, I plan on making sure citizens get more voice in their government. I personally hated when taxes would be increased and I would not even know why.

I encourage citizens to PM me, telling me what they think about proposed laws. If I receive a messages from citizens stating their opinions about a new law about to be passed, asking that I cast my vote in a specific direction, I will listen to what you have to say. After I tally the messages, if there is a majority, that's where my vote will go.

The current PANEC taxes are high, compared to other countries, but crucial considering the amount of money our government needs in this war. For those of you who are new citizens, please look at this link and study the current tax plans. It is important you understand why they are at the level they are.

Lastly, for this part, I encourage everyone to check out the the eUS Bond Program. Every little bit of help is appreciated.,10941.0.html

My Opinion on Hospitals and Defense Systems
Putting double Q5s in every single region we own would not only be useless, but also cost at the least 100,000gold. It costs about 2,000gold for one fortress state, so when we consider where to put the hospitals and defense systems, we need to consider the following things:
1) High Resource Regions (if we already have high grain, we need to consider other resources before another high grain)
2) RL population base
3) Strategical Regions

Staying good with our allies is very important to me. I do not believe in an eWorld without alliances that contradict themselves. PEACE is what's causing us smarter countries to stick together. At who would we laugh, or point a finger. Who else would there be to destroy?

One of the things I want to do is open talks with South American countries, along with China.
China is growing quickly, but still has no chance of liberating its regions by itself.
The south american countries are new, and were flooded with threats as soon as PEACE realized they were up and running.

Unless they beg for mercy, I want to teach PEACE (Russia specifically) a lesson. I am not necessarily talking about conquest, but we could destroy them. Shatter them. Liberate their taken countries, help out the puppets, and show the world they need not be afraid of PEACE.

We did it, right? We were broke to out last region, with almost no resources. But did we give up? Did we grovel at their feet like some of the unspeakable countries(e.g. eUK) did?

No, we got right back on our feet, stood together, and showed them why us Americans are the most fearsome species on this planet. That we can flick away goons like eRussia and eHungary.

Yes We Can

This is a short history of myself and my eLife.
Johnathan (Johnny) Roberts was born on day 313 of the New World, back in beta. That was back when you could destroy currencies with a few exchanges in the monetary market.

I was first part of the AAP party back when Evan Bayh was running it, and it was still called the NAFAA, National Association For the Advancement of America. I left the party when Evan decided the party name should be changed to 'FAG' when he lost in the election.

I was then left party-less. But that could not be. As a member of the ever famous Roberts-family,
I had to make some sort of shoot into a political career. Back in December, I tried had an unsuccessful try at Congress. As soon as v1 came out, with its annoying flaws, I quit.

Rebirth- I revived in May, when I had heard v1 was much better, and that Romania had for some reason 'disassembled' itself. Again, I was left party-less. Quickly though, I joined the Libertarian Party, a party run by people much better than those back before I left.

I am running again, this time under the Libertarian ticket.
To all Idahoans, PM me if you have questions.

With kind regards,
Johnathan 'Johnny' Roberts