I Want you to Chip in America

Day 1,008, 15:34 Published in USA USA by Gulden Draak

Greetings my fellow citizens and readers from around the eWorld, what an exciting couple of days it has been, I can honestly say these last couple of days have been some of the best for me in my entire time playing this game. With the help of our allies, we have done what was what thought impossible. We launched a full scale invasion into Russia and conquered many of their important territories. For those who are looking at the map, you will see that we now occupy Far Eastern Russia now known as Far Western America. In order to make the territory more expensive to Resistance War, we are asking all citizens to please move to our new awesome territory of Far Western America. If you cannot afford tickets to move, you may request them here.

Though these last couple of days have been awesome, I really believe that now the hard work begins. Krems, his administration, and EDEN have set the pendulum in motion, and now it is up to us to continue the momentum. Since the end of WWIII last year, we have been slowly dying as a nation. For the first time since the end of that war, I believe we have the chance to reverse this trend. For the first time this year, we are excited as a nation again. We are at a new point in history my friends, and it is up to us to change this nation for the better. We must all work at building a bigger, stronger, and faster America. We must drive ourselves to make a difference, and maximize our full potential. Below are some suggestions on how you can chip in America. I am not asking for a superhuman effort my fellow citizens, but an extra 10-15 minutes a day can really make a difference.

Let us work together to build something great, something we never thought possible

Join the military/a militia

The war module in Rising is a different animal, gone are the days when citizens could just fight against a wall at any point in the day. The new module requires coordination in order to be successful. This is why joining the military or a militia is now more important than ever. To have continued success against our enemies, we must continue in our coordination. Many refuse to join an armed unit because of real life beliefs they carry over into the game. If you are not joining the military/a militia because of real life beliefs being carried into the game, STOP IT. eRepublik does not equal real life. The principles that hold true in real life, do not hold true in this game. If real life feelings are the reason you are not joining up, I ask you to reconsider. If you feel that now is the time to join the military/a militia, please read this fantastic article by ligtreb to figure out which unit suits your best interests. What are you waiting for? Join up today!

Join up today! Make friends and conquer the eWorld

Get a job you bum!

Has a family member ever yelled these words at you? Well now you can tell them you do have a job, an eJob that is. Many departments within our government are searching for citizens to give just an extra 10-15 minutes a day to help improve our nation. Are you interested in the global complexities of this game, and do you one day aspire to be the Secretary of State or Minister of Foreign Affairs? If you answered yes, I have just the starting position for you to help get your foot in the door. Right now the Department of State is looking individuals who would be willing to be ambassador to another nation. If you are interested in foreign affairs, and would like to learn about a new nation then sign up to be an ambassador today by filling out this form

So you may be asking, well Gulden I don’t care about foreign nations I only care about our nation what can I do? Well my friend I have a job for you to. The Department of the Interior is a department within our nation that is solely devoted to helping our nation. Whether it be mentoring new players, providing citizens with food, giving them tickets to move to Far Western America, or a host of other things. As you can imagine, this is a large task so the Interior needs all the help they can get. If you are interested in helping your fellow citizens, I encourage you to read this article. The Interior has several different sub-specialties located within it and that article explains what each specialty does. So find the specialty that suits you best, and sign up to help out today.

Lend a helping hand today

Politics suck man

Let’s face it, politics are not for everyone in this game. Some are just annoyed by the bickering that goes on between parties and the self promoting congressman located within them. However, your vote can still be used elsewhere. Many of our dearest allies face serious PTO attempts on their nation every election cycle, and they are in need of voters to help combat these threats. If you hate the politics here, please use your vote to help our allies overseas. If you are interested in doing this, please contact Rod Damon at the Strategic Air Command today.

Casting your vote overseas also allows you to meet exotic foreign women

Well shit that was a long article, so just a quick few closing words. Like I said before, I am not asking for a superhuman effort here. If you could just perform one of the tasks mentioned above, it would go a long way in helping our nation and our allies. The pendulum has been set in motion America, let us continue our quest for global superiority.

Stay thirsty my friends,

Gulden Draak